Illusions of Fate

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 "Hey, Vicki, question for you," I called across the office. She looked up from her desk. I motioned for her to come over to me.

"What is it, Amber? Something about Arkham?" she asked. She took a seat beside me.

"You got it. Right now, I've got virtually nothing. A little bit more than before from a friend, but not a lot at all. Do you think you can help me out?"

"Can't you go to Arkham? Try to talk to people there?"

I shook my head. "Last time I tried that, it didn't go well. And, you know, I'd rather stay away from there."

Vicki leaned against her fist. I know she didn't want to go there either. I wouldn't make her. It was my project anyway. I just needed some ideas or leads. Vicki might have been able to give me something.

"Bruce Wayne makes donations there," Vicki said after a few minutes. "He and I are on speaking terms. I could probably arrange a meeting between the two of you to talk about Arkham. He might be your best bet as of now. I know the doctors at Arkham don't like to talk."

I remembered my very brief meeting with Bruce Wayne, though I doubted he remembered me. I didn't think he would know much, if anything at all.

"Do you think he'd know anything?"

Vicki shrugged her shoulders. I appreciated that she was doing her best to help me. I just hated how little I knew and how little I was able to do anything about that fact. It wasn't anyone's fault. I was just so frustrated with everything.

"Thanks, Vicki. I really do appreciate it," I said.

"I'll set up the meeting."


When Vicki had said she would set up a meeting with Bruce Wayne, I thought it would be at his building or some cafe, not at his mansion. Standing outside of Wayne Manor was not something I ever imagined myself doing. A few minutes after I rang the front doorbell, an old man opened it.

"You must be Ms. Connery. Please come in, Mr. Wayne will be down shortly," he said kindly. I entered the manor and was astounded by the size of it.

"If you'll follow me, Ms. Connery. You and Mr. Wayne will be speaking in the drawing room today."

I followed the man into the room, which might have been the size of my entire apartment. It was ridiculous the size of the place.

"Thank you," I said to the man.

"My name is Alfred Pennyworth. Should you need anything, do not hesitate to call."

I nodded my head, and the man left the room. The room had a huge fireplace in it, and above it, a picture of a family. There was no doubt that it was the Waynes. Bruce Wayne had to have been six or seven in the portrait. The family looked so happy. I couldn't remember ever being that happy with Dad, and Mom had never been part of my life.

"I was seven when that was done."

I turned and Bruce Wayne stood in the doorway. He came closer and stood beside me. "I remember wishing the painter would have been faster."

I didn't know whether to laugh or make a comment. I nodded my head instead of saying anything. That seemed to be a safe option.

"I understand that you had some questions for me about Arkham?" he said. He sat and motioned for me to do the same.

"If you wouldn't mind," I said, taking the invitation.

"Of course not, Amber. I can call you that, right?" he asked.

"I would prefer it, actually."

"We've met before, haven't we?"

I was stunned that he remembered. "We did, very briefly. I was in the elevator on the way to interview your scientist, Kirk Langstrom."

"Ah, yes. That's right. You were also the one who was working on that Arkham story. I thought you finished that one?"

"The first one, yeah. But now there's another one. There are concerns about missing patients. Do you know anything about that?"

"I was aware that patients were going missing. Long-term ones. I've been looking into it myself."

I hadn't been aware that Bruce Wayne had been looking into the disappearances. I supposed that was a good thing. It meant that more than one person really cared about those people.

"Have you found anything?" I asked.

"Have you?" he threw back. I humored him.

"Like before, I think the blame has to be placed on the person in charge. Last time it was Jeremiah Arkham. This time I think it's Hugo Strange. The trouble is, I don't know anything about him, and I have no proof," I explained. Wayne leaned back against the sofa and folded his hands.

"I agree with you, and I understand your struggle. I'm sorry to say that I don't know much more than you. I have been there a few times since I heard about what was happening, and I'm not happy with what I saw."

"What did you think of Hugo Strange?" I asked.

"Mysterious is the first word that comes to mind. Sadistic would be the second."

I wanted to cry. I needed evidence, not personal feelings. There had to be someone who knew something about Strange.

"I heard Dr. Crane escaped. What do you think about that?" Wayne changed the subject.

"I'm upset. I don't want him hurting people," I said immediately. I couldn't understand why he hadn't been caught.

"Do you think he would know anything about what happened to the people?"

I hadn't thought of it. I could have asked when he broke into my apartment. I should have asked, but I was too caught up in him. I wanted to slap myself. Jonathan might have been the one person who knew anything. People would have asked where I got the information, and I could only say it was an anonymous source so many times before people got suspicious.

"He might. But he's gone. There's no way for me to get into contact with him."

"If he gets found, would you be willing to talk to him?"

"If I had to."

Silence pervaded.

"Well, thank you for your time, Mr. Wayne. I appreciate it," I said, standing from the spot.

"Bruce, please. Will you keep me in the loop on anything you find? I do care about the patients," he said, shaking my hand. Part of me wondered if he really meant Harvey Dent. I knew they had been friends before his accident.

"Of course."

He escorted me to the front of the house and shook my hand again. "Have a good afternoon, Amber."

"You too, Mr. Wayne."

I hit the light way too hard on the way into my apartment. I was upset about everything. The story, the city. I was annoyed at the world.

Almost immediately after I sat down someone knocked on the door. I stalked to the door and ripped it open. Zoey stood out there, and a girl stood behind her.

"Is this a bad time?" Zoey asked.

"Sorry, no. Just had a rough day. What do you need?"

"I don't need anything. She does, though." Zoey pulled the girl from behind her. She was young. She had blue in her hair.

"Hi," she said quietly. "My name's Katie. I might have information about Arkham Asylum for you."


A/N: Title borrowed from Kiersten White

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