What We Keep Is Not Always What Will Stay

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I think everyone could tell that something was wrong with me. Zoey asked what was wrong, but I didn't answer. Though based on the looks she gave me, I think she might have known. Vicki kept coming over to talk to me and dropping hints that she wanted to know what was up. Even Paul asked if something was wrong. I told them all the same thing: I was a little stressed about everything that had been going on. That technically wasn't a lie. I was stressed about everything. Edward had tried calling me, and I never answered. I was scared he was going to try coming to my apartment. What could I do if he was waiting outside my door? And Jonathan had yet to be caught. I was worried he was just going to show up inside my apartment again. I was more worried about him approaching Zoey again. I didn't want her getting caught up in my life's problems. Hell, I didn't want to be a part of my own problems anymore.

I was sitting in a park, one of the nicer parks in Gotham. The same one I used to come to with Sam. This had been our place. I missed him so much.

Someone sat on the bench beside me. I moved over to make more room for the other person. They were sitting stiffly.

"I heard you're done with the Arkham story."

I turned to face the man. Bruce Wayne was not someone I expected to be sitting next to in a park. He did not look like he belonged in a public park. He seemed like he was far too uncomfortable.

"Should I be concerned that you've somehow managed to find me here?" I asked, hoping he realized I was teasing, though I wasn't able to put any heart behind the joke.

"I was passing through, and saw you sitting here. I thought I would say hello and ask about what happened," he said. He crossed his arms, and I leaned an elbow against the arm of the bench.

"It was so much worse than I thought. Then I lost all the information I had and getting it all back didn't go well. I was getting in way too deep. It's so, so bad. That story took a toll on me. I had to stop for my own good," I explained. "I tried, I really did. I just couldn't do it."

"That's understandable," Bruce agreed. "Based on the little I've heard, it's a horror story. Speaking of, did you ever speak with Dr. Crane?"

I froze for a moment, then remembered that he had asked me to talk to him. There was no way Bruce Wayne could know anything about Jonathan and I. Bruce Wayne barely even knew who I was, outside of being a journalist.

"Yeah, I did. He didn't tell me anything," I said.

"Hm," he hummed. "I went to Arkham recently. To see Harvey Dent."

They had been best friends before the incident with Salvatore Maroni. That was an unfortunate situation. Harvey Dent had been a good man before the incident. It was a shame what happened to him.

"I asked him about what was happening at Arkham. He had nothing to tell me, either. Maybe he knows, though. He hasn't exactly been forthcoming about anything since what happened," Bruce explained.

"You two used to be best friends."

Bruce laughed wistfully. "Funny how things change, isn't it?"

I rested my chin on a fist. "I don't know if I'd say funny, but yeah."

Bruce chuckled and stood. "Have a good afternoon, Amber. I'm sorry to have bothered you."

"It wasn't a problem at all, Mr. Wayne."

"I thought I told you to call me Bruce," he said, giving me a playful wink. I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever, then, Bruce."

He laughed as he walked away from the bench.

I didn't stay much longer after Bruce left. It started raining. The rain didn't bother me. I didn't mind getting wet. My building wasn't far, anyway.

Everything She SawOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora