Do Not Say We Have Nothing

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 I stared at the girl with blonde and blue hair. She was a kid, there was no way she could know anything about what was happening there. She was wearing jeans and a blue sweater. She looked like a regular kid, probably just got out of school.

"Can we come in, Amber?" Zoey asked.

"Sure," I said slowly. I opened the door and moved to let Zoey and the kid in the apartment. Zoey took the girl to the sofa.

"How do you know the kid?" I asked.

"My name is Katie!" the girl snapped.

"Sorry, sorry," I said quickly. "How do you know Katie?"

"I'm the one who dyes her hair. I mentioned you were writing a story about Arkham, and she said she had something to tell you. She wouldn't tell me what it was," Zoey said. I leaned back. It was hard for me to believe this girl would actually know anything.

"Ok then, Katie, tell me what you know," I said. She must have heard the disbelief in my voice. She looked upset.

"Look, I know I'm a kid, and not as established as you, but I'm not an idiot. If you don't wanna listen to me, just say it," Katie snapped.

"No, no. I do, I'm sorry. I've had a rough day. I do need help," I apologized. I supposed if she did know anything, I would take it.

Katie's knee was bouncing up and down, and her fingers were flexing. She was snapping a ponytail holder against her wrist. Zoey had a hand on the one the knee that wasn't moving. Zoey was rubbing it gently with her thumb. Katie was nervous about something. She hadn't seemed nervous earlier. I wondered what changed in the minute.

"Why are you nervous, Katie?" I asked, trying to sound gentle. I didn't want to make her any more anxious than she already was.

"I'm nervous now that I actually have to talk," she said.

"Will you get in trouble for talking to me?" I asked. Her hands seemed to shake faster. Zoey stared at me, shaking her head.

"Only if I get caught, but I think we're fine now. I'm supposed to be at work."

So she was here without permission? She seemed awfully scared of her parents. But then, Jonathan and I had been afraid of our guardians once, too.

"We can make it quick, if that would make you feel better. Or you could give me your phone number and I could text you," I offered.

"No!" she said quickly. I jumped. I hadn't expected a reaction like that. "I can't give you my number."

"Okay, then, wh-"

"Just let me talk. I have time, for now," Katie interrupted me. "But can Zoey leave? I'd feel better if it was just you and me."

I looked at Zoey. She nodded and stood. She rubbed Katie's back and left the room. Katie looked more uncomfortable with Zoey gone, but I wasn't going to tell her that. The girl was on edge. I didn't want to make her any more upset than she was.

"So, Arkham?" I offered, trying to start the conversation. Katie took a deep breath.

"Hugo Strange knows the mobs and owes them a lot of money. I've heard he's selling the missing patients to make up the money he owes."

"Selling them?" That was crazy. What would any sane person want with mentally ill patients? What was the point in selling them? This was the craziest thing I'd heard. Katie must have heard wrong.

"I know that looks means you think I'm making this up," she said. I was impressed that she could tell.

"It's hard to believe," I agreed.

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