Last Night pt.2

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"PARK Y/N!!" Yoongi yelled


Jin was the first one to snap out

"Park y/n!! Off to your room! Kneel and keep your arms up. Face the wall until we tell you to come out. NOW!" Jin yelled

She whimpered but obeyed and walked up to her room.


"Yes? Hyung?" He came into the living room with a plate full of fruits

"Could you please keep your eyes on Chim while we talk"


Jimin's POV

Why does she ever never learn? She caused TWICE while she was scolded!? She even threw pillows and cussed right at to Yoongi hyung's face. I couldn't believe what I just saw.... none of us would never ever dare to cussed at him. Why? Because he's the strictest hyung in this house!! He takes things like disrespect seriously and he won't let it slide without giving you a well deserved punishment.

We all sat down on the couch. Jin hyung was the first one to break the silence.

"I know you will punish her severely for what she just did and I also know I can't stop you from doing that"

"Hyung. We know she cusses lot and we have been giving her warnings. But she threw a tantrum, threw the pillows at me and cussed twice even after she was warned. She needs to know that she can't just do whatever she likes." Yoongi said

"What do you say? Jimin?"

"I agree that she needs a lesson on that. But I don't think she can handle three harsh punishments." I said hoping other two will get the message and go easy on her.

"Okay. Yoongi will be punishing her severally for this one. But I and Hoseok won't give her more than 10 hits." Jin being the eomma got the message

Hoseok and Yoongi nodded

"Hyung. Y/n is really scared. She just wanted a hug from you please don't go too harsh on her." Hoseok said looking down on his feet sadly

"I would have gave her a hug if she behaved and took punishment from you. Remember I asked you if she had taken the punishment yet?"

Hoseok nodded still staring down on his feet

"Hyung. If y/n's gonna call Yoongi hyung Appa then she needs to know that her Appa is the strictest Appa she could ever find" I said half jokingly

"Oh! Then I should let her know her Eomma will always save her from her scary Appa." Jin said

Yoongi glared at us but we all laughed it off pretending we didn't see anything. I rushed into kitchen and explained what happened to the other members and asked them for help to find things to comfort her. I placed the teddy bear I got for her other day on the couch where she would usually sit and we got bunch of snacks and nervously waited for her to come out of the room.

Chim's POV

SHIT SHIT SHITTTTT I whisper screamed. Then I heard the door opens and immediately turned back to find who was at the door and was relieved when I found Jungkook standing at the door.

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