Broken Boy (part.1)

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When did things started to change? Right, when Chim moved in with us that's when things started to go wrong.

Jungkook was deep in his thoughts as he looked back through old photos of him and his hyungs. Jungkook loved Chim, everyone in the house did. But sometimes he just missed being the baby and the only baby of the house. He missed all the attention his hyungs used to give him. Before Chim moved in with them, Yoongi was Jungkook's father like hyung. Jin was Jungkook's mother like hyung. Jimin used to shower him with all the love and was the one who would comfort him if he had a tough day. But those 3 were now too busy babying the princess of the house. Even the other 3 were starting to spend less and less time with Jungkook instead they would spend all their free time with Chim.

He sighed as he stared blankly at the wall remembering all the events from the last few months. Not being the baby of the house and not receiving all the attention he used to get from his hyungs didn't mean he got away with spanking. Instead these last few months the severity of the punishment hyungs would give him has increased. He would get spanking for every little things he did and the hyungs would use those dreaded implements that would leave bruises on his bottom for days. He understood that his hyungs expected him to be more responsible and be a good example for y/n. So he didn't complain when he started to get punished harsher and harsher. Sometimes he even got himself in troubles on purpose just so he would get the aftercare. But what was really getting into him was the less and less aftercare he received after the punishments. The more punishments he got by days but the less aftercare he received. He hated to admit but he was jealous of Chim.

He put down the photos and slowly went down to the living room. They were having a movie night and today was Jungkook's turn to pick the movie. He was the first one in the living room. There was this sci-fic movie that he really wanted to watch but he waited till this day to watch so he can watch with his hyungs and Chim.

"Have you picked the movie for us to watch?" Jin asked sipping coffee

"Yep! This one!! It's about-"

Before he could even start explaining what the movie was about Chim came out of nowhere and sat herself on Jin's lap.

"Ewwww~ Eomma I don't like this! Let's watch something else please?? Pretty pretty please?"

"Well..." Jin said looking at Jungkook

"Hyung!!! How's that fair!? It's my turn to pick the movie!! If she can watch horror then she can watch this"

"I don't wanna know anything about this creepy creature!!"

"Well I do and we are watching thai movie tonight. If you don't like then just go sleep"



Jin sighed deeply hearing the two youngest yelling at each other.

"You two stop yelling at each other or I'll give you two timeout and both of you will go to bed straight after the timeout."

"I'm not watching this movie." Chim said sulkily

"No one is forcing you to watch....idiot"

He mumbled out the last bit


"What" Jungkook answered annoyed

"You are mean!!! I'm telling Omma!"

"Yah! Wait!"

Chim rushed to Jin who was now preparing the popcorn for the movie night.


"No running in the kitchen!!"

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