Chapter 14: Crossing the Line

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(A/N): I hate the readers parents so much

Your parents came stumbling downstairs an hour later, reeking of marijuana and high as the stars themselves. It wasn't safe for them to drive high, but you wanted them and their rotten habits out of your house for a while. You had retreated into the kitchen when you'd heard them exiting your room, hoping to avoid interaction, but them screaming your name drew you straight back towards the front door.

"Honey, your father hurt his back a few days back and I don't want him carrying the boxes from his office." your mother said lightly, batting her lashes with a faraway look in her eyes.

"I already told you, my back is-"

"Oh hush, I don't want you hurt!" your mother playfully hit your father on his shoulder, then turned back to you. "I was wondering if your sweet Danny would mind giving us a hand?" Your mother gripped the bottom hem of her loose coral-coloured T-shirt, her voice a sickening coo. Before you could answer with an immediate 'no!' Danny was behind you, taking your hand.

"I wouldn't mind one bit," your mother's eyes brightened, and you flinched with hurt, but Danny continued, "but," you let out a sigh of relief, "I'll be bringing (Y/N), too. She needs to get out of the house for once!" you tense again, you squeezed his hand tightly, and he just returned it with a much softer squeeze, a 'don't worry, I have something up my sleeve'.

"How perfect!" your mother said, voice an octave or two too high to actually be enthusiastic, "Come now, out to the car, we can't waste any time!" the formal, almost regal way she spoke made you want to puke. You prayed Danny wasn't falling for her act. You prayed he smelled the drugs wafting on her breath with every word. You prayed he found it disgusting like you did.

"Just one moment, I've got to speak to (Y/N) before we go." Danny's smile, though it was fake, was much, much more convincing than any that your parents wore. He turned, dragging you away by your hand. You follow eagerly, confused by everything he's doing. He knows you hate your parents, why in the world would he make you tag along? "Sweetheart," he said at last, stopping in the living room as far from the living room door as possible. "Sorry for dragging you along. I'm sure you can tell I don't really want to be alone with your parents."

"Why'd you make us go in general?" you frown. You felt bad for even having thought that Danny should go alone.

"Jason's been trapped outside all day so far," Danny chuckles, "I want to give everyone some time to grab snacks, things to do, stuff like that, before your parents take over and they can't leave their rooms." realization hits you; Danny was just being a decent person, unlike you. You had been greedy to try getting out of this. It was necessary for everyone.

"Of course, I'm sorry." you nod, and Danny takes your hands in his, kissing the knuckles of each.

"No problem, Sweetheart. I'm sure you want to watch your mom hit on me anyways." he winks, spinning on his heel and dragging you outside to your parents car. You and Danny are in the back seat together, him muttering side-notes on your parents conversation about what work stuff was important.

"So we need that file from Mr. Carson?" your mother sighs, frustrated with your father's unclarity when it came to what you were exactly looking for.

"I know what I'm getting, just let me show you when we get there." he waves his hand dismissively, and Danny mimics the action, making you stifle a chuckle.

"Oh, oh Honey, guess what I see?" Danny suddenly smiles widely, gaze set on the rearview mirror between your parents. You follow his gaze, narrowing your eyes to make out the car following behind you. In the front seat... a man in a white, latex mask.

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