Chapter 21 (Failed As Brothers )

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There will be three POVS(Point of views) in this chapter.
Xander's pov
Elijah's pov
Ace's pov
Read carefully hope you like it.

Xander's POV

We heard her crying become more hysterical.

Suddenly, we heard the sound of glass breaking

"She's punching the fucking mirror"Xavier said.

"Move"Ace said shoving me and Xavier away from the toilet door.

He kicked the door multiple times.

"Fuck" He shouted, running out of the room.

He came back with a gun and shot the door open.

When I saw Anastasia I was fucking heart-broken.

I know I acted all angry with her but I love her.

I just dont want to show it to her.

She is an easy target in the mafia.

Anyone I loves gets hurt.

My brothers know how to protect themselves but Anastasia is so fucking small and wouldn't even hurt a fly.

Having the same last name as us is already dangerous but if people find out that we actually really love our sister they will target her.

How could we let our sister become like this?

She looked fucking crazy.

She looked like she pulled out her hair.

Her head was swollen and bleeding.

Her knuckles were bruised and and bleeding.

She cut her fucking wrists.

Wasting no time, I took the glass piece in her hand, while Xavier restrained her.

"Bye. I'm going to mommy. I-I wont be a burden anymore".

Anastasia said, before she passed out.

Once the words left her mouth I knew I failed as her brother.

We all knew we failed as brothers.

My eyes teared up at her words but I quickly blinked them away.

Elijah took charge, his doctor side coming out.

"Xander bring me the fucking first aid kit"

"Xavier carry her to bed"

"Roman find some alcohol"

"Ace put pressure on Anastasia's cuts"

Elijah POV

The boys moved around frantically doing what I asked them to do.

I put gloves in my hands and cleaned Ana's cuts.

They were very deep, I had to stitch them up.

I took a bug gulp of alcohol. I definitely needed it.

I poured alcohol on the needle and starting sewing her cuts.

There were three deep cuts that needed stitching.

Luckily no glass pieces chipped off and entered the wound.

I bandaged all of her wounds.

I asked Roman to ice her head it was pretty swollen,she might even have a concussion.

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