Chapter 51(Day 1 Of Torture)

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Previously of the twin's being kidnapped (Chapter 37)

Xander's POV

I used the bottom of my shirt and wiped the blood from Xavier's head.

I managed to untie my ropes awhile ago.

After that, I untied Xavier's ropes.

Xavier has been sleeping for a long time.

How long? I dont know.

I just hope that our brothers realise that we are missing and are trying to find us.

I was dozing off when I heard footsteps heading towards us.

I nudged Xavier awake.

"Someone's coming. Get up please" I whispered.

Xavier groggily sat up, beside me.

The cell door opened, the same guy came in.

In his hands was a knife and a whip.

Oh no.


"Xander come behind me" Xavier croaked out, holding his bleeding head.

"No fuck that. You're hurt. You get behind me" I said going infront of him.

"Well, smart boys, I see you have freed your tied hands" The man said.

Xavier and I kept quiet scared to get hit if we dared to talk back.

"Not so feisty now are you?" The guy asked us mockingly.

"It's simple, you tell me about your brother's gang and I won't kill you" The guy said.

"By the way, I haven't introduced myself, have I?" He asked.

"My name is name is Brian but you boys must call me sir. Understood?" He shouted.

I quickly nodded my head.

Suddenly, I felt a searing pain on my back.

I cried out loud.

"Ow it hurts" I said loudly, tears feeling my eyes.

The guy strucked me with the whip. My back had been slashed opened just by one stroke of the whip.

"XANDER, XANDER fuck are you ok?" Xavier croaked out, holding his head.

"Let's get started. Where is your brother's warehouse?" Brian asked.

"We dont know. We dont know anything" Xavier said, pleading Brian to believe us.

"I guess it's a pity then" The guy said striking both of us mercilessly with the whip.

We shouted and pleaded.

Begged and cried for him to stop.

He went on, whipping us for I dont know how long.

By the end of it, Xavier and I could barely stand.

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