Chapter 47 (Mercy)

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Xander's POV

After buying for Ana some things, I bought for Grey and myself some food.

We sat down at the food court, eating pasta.

Suddenly, Grey crouched and hid under the table.

"Shit shit. It's my mom and my stepdad" he said.

"Calm down. They can't see you when you're under the table" I said.

Once his parents left, I took his hand and the things we bought and quickly walked to the car.

"Come on. I'll drop you home" I said opening the door for him.

I drove to his house.

We kissed a little before just sitting down and talking in the car.

"Listen, I uh. Please don't kill the person who insulted and beat me up. You know I don't care about you being in the Mafia. Wait actually I do, because Im always scared that you will get hurt. But, I know that is your life and your family, Im not going to force you to quit or anything. Just be careful and don't kill anyone for me or because of me. I would die from guilt" Grey said looking at me.

I groaned.

"But he hurt you and insulted you" I said.

"You can do whatever you want but no killing please" Grey said.

"Ughh fine fine" I said.

"Thank you" Grey said giving me a peck on my lips.

"That's not how we do it" I said pulling his face to mine for a long kiss.

"Bye, I love you" Grey said smiling shyly.

"I love you more" I said.

"Tell me how it goes with your sis. Don't forget to physically say sorry. Like open your mouth and say SORRY" Grey warned.

"I know, I know" I said smiling.

"I love you. Byeeee" He said getting out of the car.

I watched him enter his house before driving away.

Ace called me when I was with Grey but I switched off my phone oops.

I switched my phone back on.

Damn 2 missed calls from Ace.

I looked at the time and saw that it was school's ending time.

I called Xavier.

"Wait for me. I'm picking you up" I said ending the call before he could reply and speeding to school.

Xavier said bye to our friends before getting in the car.

"Ace knows by the way" I said to Xavier.

"Yeah. He called me and asked me where you were. I said, I didnt know. You owe me one" Xavier said.

"Bro, call Rome for me and put it on speaker" I said to Xavier.

The phone rang for about 30 seconds before Roman picked it up.

"Xavier, Im busy and no I will not buy Macdonalds for you" Roman said over the phone.

Xavier sheepishly smiled.

"Rome. It is me Xander. Who picked up my bike from the club yesterday?" I asked him.

"Uhh it was Brad. The dude who joined 2 months ago. Issac was suppose to pick it up, but he was busy with his girl. Why?" Roman asked.

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