Chapter 52 (Sibling Time)

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Anastasia Rosaline Blade's POV

I woke up feeling horrible. My back was aching and I felt disgusting.

I took a warm shower and quickly wore my clothes.

Wearing a pad felt like I was wearing a freaking diaper. I hated it.

Why must life be unfair for girls? We have to wear bras and freaking bleed from our vagina every month.

Why couldn't boys get periods?

I groaned, feeling annoyed and walked downstairs.

Fiona was in the kitchen.

"Uh Hi. Good morning" I greeted her.

"Well, hello darling, let me fix you some breakfast. You take a sit" She said smiling.

For some reason, I felt uncomfortable around her.

"Hey uhm can you don't use any peanuts or nuts, Im allergic to them" I told her,just in case.

"Ohh. Is that so?" she asked me, giving me a creepy smile.

"Yeah" I mumbled.

Maybe her smile wasn't really creepy but to me it was.

Ace came in the kitchen wearing his suit, Roman and Elijah trailing behind him.

"Good morning Luv" Ace said, kissing the back of my head and sitting down beside me.

"Good morning Ace" I mumbled.

Roman yawned, resting his head on his hands.

"Anastasia, what do you want to do after your appointment?" Roman asked me.

I shrugged my shoulder.

"Maybe you can bring her shopping" Elijah said.

"Alright, for what though?" Roman asked clueless as usual.

"She's starting school in 6 days" Elijah said.

"No. Non farlo. Viene facilmente sopraffatta. Ha paura degli uomini" Ace said, looking up from his phone.

(No. Don't do that. She gets overwhelmed easily. She's scared of men)

"Oh ok then we will find something else to do" Roman said.

"You can buy your school supplies online Anastasia" Elijah said, giving me a smile.

"Dobbiamo trovare un modo per spezzare la sua paura. Lentamente ma inesorabilmente, la tireremo fuori dal suo guscio" Ace said.

(We need to find a way to break her fear. Slowly but surely, we will get her out of her shell)

Elijah and Roman nodded.

He's making getting rid of my fear sound so easy, I thought to myself.

Fiona made for us all waffles.

"I SMELL WAFFLES" Xavier shouted, running into the kitchen,making me jump.

"Shut the fuck up Xavier. It's so early why the fuck are you shouting? How do you even have the energy to do that? " Xander said, yawning and walking into the kitchen.

"Xander, watch your language" Ace warned.

"Oops" Xander said sarcastically.

"You know what? I have this brilliant idea" Elijah suddenly said.

Xander groaned slamming his head on the table.

"Wonderful. He's up with another one of his stupid ideas again" Xander mumbled into the table.

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