Coffee to go- 3.8

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"You okay girl?.." Priyanka spotting Cheng Bi Yu snatched her hand pulling her around back. Cheng Bi Yu folded her arms, "..I'm okay.." her lips thinned, "But I'm pissed! Royally pissed! Extremely pissed!.." she hissed, "-Aye. Those nuisances left a bitter taste in my mouth," she chewed some gum.

"..Believe me I'm as pissed as you are! How dare they question your character based on a seeding lie!.." Priyanka swung her arms over her shoulders, "..But you see what happened? From now on that conniving strew will be walking on eggshells,"

"..That's practical a snake retracts it's fangs when it with a solid wall. She'll need to time to recuperate meaning she'll come up with something next," Cheng Bi Yu popped her gum, "You want one?.." she pulled out one from her pocket.

"..Nah.." Priyanka shakes her head. Cheng Bi Yu puts it back in her pocket, "..I need to tell you something Pringle.." Priyanka perks up her ear, "..I'm gonna be out of town for a couple of days-a week at least I'm attending a family wedding-"

Priyanka exclaimed, "..I didn't know you had family getting hitched-"

"...It's a very distant cousin.."

"...Mhmm and does this very distant cousin have a name?.." Priyanka folds her arm her suspicious brown eyes scanned Cheng Bi Yu's face, "Steve!.." she blurts out.

Priyanka flicks her forehead, "Ouch!.." Cheng Bi Yu rubbed her forehead, "..If you're gonna lie at least make it convincing," Priyanka grabs her cheeks harshly pinching, "..My little chipmunk don't you know I can see right through you,"

"Okay!.." Cheng Bi Yu smacked away her hands rubbing her tender cheeks, "I'm not attending my distant cousin's wedding. I'm going with Mr. Young
it's his cousin's wedding it's on an island somewhere. I'm his plus-one-his date-"

"Oh... sneaking on a sexy getaway with our boss. Em, you slay fox," Priyanka childishly teased flinging her arms around Cheng Bi Yu's neck. "..And to think I wanted you all to myself. My chipmunk has finally grown up she's left the nest.."

Cheng Bi Yu snatched her waist, "..It's strictly business. That's all that's between us!.."

"Mhmm! You know Em you're a very bad liar," Priyanka's thumb glands over her lips, "Your nose twitches every time you lie!.." Priyanka retracts adjusting her jacket.

"You don't believe me?.." Priyanka swung her arm over her shoulders, "Nah!.." she playfully wrung her ear, "..But it's good getting private time with the boss. Grab him while his hot okay!.." she shamelessly encouraged using the hand sign.

"You're too shameless Pringle!.." Cheng Bi Yu huffed, "Come on don't pretended you don't love it!.." Priyanka teasingly blew into her ear, "Stop that!.." Cheng Bi Yu held her ear, "Look how red you are! You're really too cute Em," she pecked her cheek.

"Stop that!.." Priyanka leaned her up against the wall, "Or what chipmunk?.." Cheng Bi Yu devilishly smirked harshly pinching Priyanka's arm. "You're too wicked Em," she frowns rubbing her arm, "You play too much Pringle. You left me no choice.."

"Come on.." Cheng Bi Yu grabbed Priyanka's arm leading them out, "..We've been back here too long!-" reaching around front Cheng Bi Yu green eyes made contact with Nathalie who walked past the Cafe her sharp blue eyes glaring at the building in distain.

"..I'm gonna take out the trash," Cheng Bi Yu suddenly blurts out catching Priyanka off guard the girl runs off before she could blink. Priyanka wrinkled her perfectly arched eyebrows, "Why is she taking out the trash so early?.." she stretched her head glancing at the ajar back door.

"Excuse me.." a soft voice reached Priyanka's ear her brown eyes dart focusing in front, "Yes!.." her plump lips displayed a warm smile at the preschool looking short hair with bangs teenage girl, "..What can I get for you today?.."

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