Coffee to go- 3.15

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Cheng Bi Yu departed from Carter's grip and entered the side bathroom she slowly stripped off her pink and white hospital gown the door slightly creeks revealing Carter his peculiar blue eyes remained glued to her figure as she strode over.

"..Let me help you," Carter proceeds to wet the sponge,"..Does it still hurt?-" he pursed his lips his vision glued to her bruised side his wet fingers glands against her healing flesh she faintly smiled, "..Not anymore," Carter gently gripped her waist he bends inching closer his warm lips touched against her bruised she momentarily shivered from the sudden moist his hooded eyes dart up to her.

He then straightened, "What about here?-" his cold finger tips brushed against her shoulder, "And here?-" he gently gripped her arm from behind his lips landed on her red patched shoulder then her wrapped wrist, "And most definitely here," he kneels bringing her lightly bandaged ankle to his lips Cheng Bi Yu's skin scorched from the imminent flames Carter eyes her burning red face amused he stands capturing her soft lips, "-Mhmm," Cheng Bi Yu moaned in between their kiss Carter pulled away causing Cheng Bi Yu to whine from the loss of his touch Carter rested his forehead on hers, "..Let's finish your sponge bath," he gave a quick peck on her cheek he retracted turning on the tap.

They laid arm and arm in the small yet comfortable hospital bed Cheng Bi Yu gently stroked his chest, "You're the best thing that ever happened to me," Carter confessed stroking her head Cheng Bi Yu tilts her head peering up, "..I'm enlightened I met you sooner-" he plants a tender kiss on her forehead.

"..All that sugary talk. Aren't you afraid I'll melt from all that sweetness?-" Carter grasped her wrist  pulling her impossibly closer, "..That's the plan to shower you with all my sweetness so you'll never leave,"

He then leans rubbing their noses together, "..Is it working?-" Cheng Bi Yu's hold tightened on his shirt, "Let's just say there's no place I'd rather be than in your arms," she rested her head down back on his chest Carter chuckled his chest excitedly vibrates,
"I'm glad because I wouldn't allow it any other way," he sighed in contempt hearing Cheng Bi Yu faint snores as she comfortably slept in his embrace.

Cheng Bi Yu eyes slowly fluttered they peered at the awakened Carter, "..Morning," she slowly pulled back Carter witnessing her movements gently pulls her back down his arms wrapped securely around her, "..Stay like this for a while-" Cheng Bi Yu remained pinned against him her breathing steady a small knock came to the door, "..It's Dr. Chi are you awake?-"

Carter opened his eyes with creased brows his gaze darted to the door intensely, "..You can come in Dr. Chi-" the charismatic bronze skinned youthful doctor shifted placing her hand on the knob she pushed the door open.

"Sorry to disturb you so early," Dr. Chi respectively apologized her eyes darted to her clipboard she then flipped a couple pages, "...I just need to run one final test. Ms. Emerson if you can please follow me to the X-ray room," the vibrant doctor clicked her pen placing it securely in her coat pocket she brought her wrist forth eyeing the time.

Cheng Bi Yu had scrambled from Carter's arm she stands her bare feet coming in contact with the cold tiled floor, "Un." she slips on her bed slippers going to follow behind, "Wait just a minute.." Carter lifts from the bed coming to her side he sweeps her off her feet Cheng Bi Yu had gasped from his sudden actions she instinctively wrapped her hands around his neck, "..Lead the way Dr. Chi,"

Dr. Chi blinked after remaining speechless for a millisecond she spoke her voice carried alertness, "Un." she turned away rushing forth her red tip ears didn't go unnoticed by Carter who silently laughed.

Cheng Bi Yu being carried like a princess in Carter's arm had stirred quite the amount of attention from the gawking nurses and female  doctors.

"-Isn't that the mayor's grandson? He looks even better in person.."

Transmigration:  Face slap the white lotusOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz