Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.2

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Cheng Bi Yu interrupted informing further,"...So I've discovered a couple of things about our victim,"..Word is Guoliang is a con-artist who made and sold counterfeit items for a living. He pissed off a couple of people due to his shady dealings, "But the best part is two witness had managed to get a glimpse of him and have identified the mystery man the victim argued with-"

Cheng Bi Yu straightened not wavering under his intense gaze, "He's been identified as Pei Long Wei the old Lord of Pei residence-"

Zheng Yong arched his brows, "Now I remember Guoliang and Pei Long Wei  had done dealings in the past. So maybe something went sour between them," the Magistrate sat unmoving.

Cheng Bi Yu points, "Then isn't that enough for murder-" her high pitched tone had lowered she subtly clears her throat smacking her fist against her palm her fierce gaze peered over at the icy boss, "We should capture him and bring him into interrogation  before he has a chance to flee!-"

Cheng Bi Yu stiffed she gulped awkwardly awaiting his response, Zheng Yong leans his thumb slides against his manuscript, "..Take Officer Zhou along with you I'll follow after-" she slightly bows, "Un." she set off alongside the sturdy Officer Zhou.

Upon approaching the Pei residence something was noticeably off. The servants were frantically running around some were on the ground desperately mopping  some uncontrollably wept.

Cautiously the two confused court appointed officials approached the Madam of the residence, Pei Long Wei's, Pei Fangsu, "Greetings Madam Pei-" the reproached to a decent distance, "We were wondering if we could meet your husband. Is the Lord in?-" Cheng Bi Yu keenly scanned around.

Pei Long Wei's wife almost choked on her words, "..My h-husband he d-died this morning. He had a heart attack," she brought her handkerchief to her flushed face.

Cheng Bi Yu gawks her eyes glued to the wiping widow, "What?!-" her exclamation startled the grieve stricken Madam Pei panicked she gripped her satin blue handkerchief tighter Cheng Bi Yu recovers gazing on pitifully, "..I apologize for my vulgar manner. I'm sorry to hear Lord Pei has departed-" her eyes dart from Pei Fangsu to her servants and vise versa.

Madam Pei sniffled then loudly sneezed into her handkerchief she then sobbed, "...The servants had just found him they're very shaken up-"

"I didn't get your names again-" Madam Pei points out sniffling Cheng Bi Yu lips displayed a warm smile her features softened, "Our apologies for our incompetence. I'm Advisor Tang and this is Officer Zhou-" she gestures to her partner, "..If it's okay with you Madam Pei could we please come in and examine the scene and your husband's body-"

"Of course-" Madam Pei steps aside personally leading them to the study where Pei Long Wei was discovered face down.

Cheng Bi Yu crutched covering her nose with a white handkerchief she examines the body's position consuming every detail with her sharp eyes. She then turns towards the grief stricken widow who sobs hard in a fresh handkerchief, "...Had anyone besides you and your servants entered this room? Did you in any way perhaps disturb the body?-" she questions.

Madam Pei lowers her handkerchief shaking her head, "No.." her reply was simple Cheng Bi Yu nods, "Rigor mortis has already set in Lord Pei had been dead since last night-" she stands, "Has Madam Pei noticed anything suspicious?-"

"No!-" Pei Fangsu loudly exclaimed, "Should I?-" her painted eyebrows creased Cheng Bi Yu's bottom lip thinned, "That's alright Madam Pei you'll have to leave the room to us it's  standard procedure-"

"Very well-" the widow muttered retreating her servants followed closely behind their grieving master.

Cheng Bi Yu eyes peered back to the body she scrunched her nose witnessing her peculiar expression Officer Zhou steps over, "What is it Advisor Tang?-" he leaned curious Cheng Bi Yu glanced over at the seasoned officer, "Look at this-" she points to Lord Pei's right palm, "See the imprint?-"

Officer Zhou leans in a tend closer his sharp eyes focused ahead Cheng Bi Yu explains further, "...That imprint  means something's missing but the question is, what?..." As Cheng Bi Yu ponders a cold gust of wind blew past them their stood Magistrate Zheng with his poker face, "..Magistrate Zheng-" Officer Zhou respectively greets his superior.

Cheng Bi Yu glanced over at her stone faced superior for a split second their gazes met his eyes then slanted in a peculiar manner as the strayed from his Advisor.

They thoroughly examined the scene leaving no area for default Cheng Bi Yu sighs running her palm against her stomach it's almost noon and she hadn't gotten a bite to eat since she's been zapped in and to her dismay it didn't look like they were leaving anytime soon her frown deepened.

While she was daydreaming about food Zheng Yong's eyes slants perplexed as they narrowed at Lord Pei's right hand the Magistrate then trailed his gloved palm over the residue, "-So I thought," he churned his monotone voice echoed their ears perked he turns to them, "Gold residue," he rubs it between his fingers he stands dusting his hands, "..The mortician will be here to collect the body-" his unpredictable gaze focused on Cheng Bi Yu, "..Stay here until he and his team arrive-" he turned to walk off, "Officer Zhou come with me-"

Officer Zhou strode beside him leaving the residence once they were out of earshot Cheng Bi Yu cursed grumbling from her frustration, "Why do I have stay here like a watchdog?!-" she clutched her growling stomach, "I'm so goddamn hungry!-" she glares as Zheng Yong face appeared in her head, "Does that block of rocks even have a conscience?!-" she hissed her teeth kicking the air.

She angrily folds her arm fuming, "I mean what does he think I am, wood? Doesn't he know humans need to eat? Slaving me out like this what a cold bastard!.." she pursed her lip. Cheng Bi Yu sour faced peered over at the corpse, "..This is all your fault. At least you didn't die on an empty stomach. Making me suffer like this humph I won't be doing any rites for you anytime soon buddy-"

Reluctant Cheng Bi Yu sat on the stool in the far corner her expectant eyes peered out the exit impatiently awaiting calvary.

Right after the mortician and his crew arrived Cheng Bi Yu bolts out like her ass was on fire outside the gates she bumps into Officer Zhou solid armored chest, "Ouch!-" she scrunched her nose retreating she tenderly rubs her probably swollen forehead.

She mercilessly glares up at the brick wall she bumped into but Officer Zhou didn't melt to her dismay, "..Where are you running off to Advisor?-" Zhou Tong arched his eyebrows interested in why his Advisor fleeing the scene before Cheng Bi Yu could voice a pliable response thunder erupted in her stomach sending alarms.

"Darn!-" she curses under her breath Cheng Bi Yu's face instantly flushed peach pink in embarrassment awkward air danced around them Zhou Tong cleared his throat, "Phat Lo restaurant has excellent dishes I'm sure it'll meet Advisor Tang's liking-"

Cheng Bi Yu nods grinning gleefully as she practically skipped all the way drawn by the mouthwatering scents. Zhou Tong wholesomely laughs inside  witnessing his Advisor childish behaviour for the first time ever the strapping Officer Zhou thought one thing, 'When did his Advisor become so cute?'

Once the ordered dishes reached their table Cheng Bi Yu wasted no time digging in she long left her table manners behind the starved fox cared not about appearance but to quash her starving heart.

Satisfyingly stuffed Cheng Bi Yu rubs her protruding belly.

Zhou Tong also thinks again as he gawks at his Advisor, 'My Advisor is a cow! How did he eat all that food when he is so small?!'

Cheng Bi Yu unfazed by his stares voiced, "..Something wrong Officer Zhou?-" she arched her eyebrows. Zhou Tong straightened a awkward smile formed on his lips, "Nothing Advisor Tang, we should get back to the court Magistrate Zheng is expecting us," Cheng Bi Yu bit her tongue, "Is he?-" she abruptly stood, "..Then let's not waste time-" Zhou Tong paid the tab with that they set off.

Transmigration:  Face slap the white lotusNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ