Coffee to go- 3.10

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Carter rushed inside the manor, "..Young Master what happened?.." Greta shockingly exclaimed seeing the unconscious Cheng Bi Yu in his arms, "..Heat up some warm water," he quickly brushed past her heading upstairs.

Celine rushed in afterwards with a distraught Melina consoling an overly anxious Elene and a frantic pacing Simon. "..Ms. Celine what happened?.." Greta witnessed the unhinged youth's her anxious tone reached their ears, "..I'll tell you later," Celine proclaimed her expression neutral she brushed past Greta bolting upstairs the others behind.

Pushing open the door Carter gently placed the unconscious pale looking youth on his bed he pulls off her boots tossing them to the side he brought his palm to her forehead the peculiar youth frowned, "You're burning up.." the door burst open the four intruders almost tripping over each other.

Celine angrily gripped her phone in her hand, "I can't reach that damned doctor! He should be here already. That phono he could've at least pretended he wants my money!.."

Carter glared at the intruders, "..How is she?.." Simon asked stepping closer, "..She has an high fever," he reluctantly replied to his cousin.

"..Excuse me," Greta brushed past the four placing the basin of hot water securely on the nightstand along with a white towel.

"..Thanks Greta. Leave everyone!-" Carter exhaled, "Why!.." Simon blurts out sour faced Celine grabs his ear, "Waiting  to see the free show you idiot! Come on before you have no ear left!.." she harshly pulled him by the ear, "Ouch!!.." Simon unpleasant whines echoed throughout the hall.

The door was closed. Carter turns back to Cheng Bi Yu grabbing the fresh towel he dipped it in the basin to soak once wet he wrung it out. His hand moved to her face tenderly damping it Cheng Bi Yu looked less pale and more red as her fever climbed.

Carter deeply exhaled his nervous fingers trembled at the ends of her shirt, "..I can do this." He quickly lifts her shirt he panicked turning away. Carter's ear reddened, "..Come on Carter stop acting like a school girl!-" he mentally battled with himself, "..I'll just apologize when she wakes,"

Steeling is giddy beating heart Carter slight lifted her shirt reaching forth the cloth he carefully wiped her delicate skin making sure to rub her arms as well.

Carter squeezed out the towel he felt her forehead before placing it on her head. Standing from the bed he pulls the covers over her, "Mhmm.." the feverish Cheng Bi Yu moaned.

Carter grabbed the basin heading outside with one last glance at Cheng Bi Yu he carefully closed the door behind him. "How's her condition son?.." Christopher approached his grandson. Carter firmly gripped the basin, "..Her fever has gone down a little. You know I've never seen Ominous lash out like this. Something feels strange about Emerson's accident-" Carter couldn't help but voice his suspicion.

Christopher rubbed his chin, "I'm quite puzzled," he then pats Carter's shoulder, "Don't worry about that I'll do an investigation meanwhile just focus on taking care of Emerson," Christopher left his Italian leather shoe heel clicked on the marble tailed floor.

Carter heads downstairs discarding the basin, "..Would Young Master like something to eat?.." Greta asked spotting the sweating youth it was almost dinner time. Carter response was, "-I'll eat when I'm finished taking care of Emerson,"

"So what did you find?-" Christopher asked Dr. Joel Kim his old friend who is a certified veterinarian by profession.

Dr. Joel Kim scratched head adjusting his thick black frames, "..It's strange Chris! From the drug screening," Dr. Joel Kim flipped his report chart, "Ominous seemed to have been injected with 400cc's of insulin," he further explained, "..An empty bottle of that capacity has been found dumped not too far from Ominous' stable,"

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