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"Hi Mary Spencer, you crazy gal." I shrieked on phone.

"Sorry who is this?"

"If you don't recall my voice I curse you to becom bald and fatty."

"Rose Howard is that you? Oh my God is that really you?" A Surprised voice of Mary can be heard.

"Yeah It's me Rose your batchmate, college mate, bed mate and would you like me to go on reminding you as what more mating we did in college?" I laugh out loud.

'Where the fuck are you? I missed you so much. It had been ages." her voice was so excited.

"I am in your town. I had an interview here at Dickinsons Data Systems. I met Mike Senior that pimply boy, who had a crush on you in college. I inquired about you, he gave me your number. I can bet from his eyes he still have the hots for you.

"Oh yes he is working with my brother in his plant. He is no more pimply boy. You have seen him now with that body and charming looks he has millions girls drooling over him. But me nah. So don't you dare throw him at me. Rather he is welcome to you sweety."

"Ok ok I surrender for now, but time will tell." I teased her.

"You moron it means you are in Maxtown?" She asked eagerly.

"Yes,  for next three days I am here. Today is Thursday and today's interview result will be declared on Monday evening. If I get selected than I have 3 more rounds of interviews to give." I imparted the news to Mary.

"Yipiee, then let's meet darling where are you?" Mary asked.

"I am booked at Hotel Raga just reaching it. Will call you again for rendezvous. I am so hungry, I need to change also from this formal wear."

"Hey wait, Rose listen we will meet tomorrow. You will check out from there and come to my house to stay for whatever days you are here in town." Mary said.

"No cutiepe I cannot impose on your family like this. We will spend our day like a free bird, no families."

"Listen to me Miss Howard, if you don't check out of this hotel tomorrow then trust me like that day in hostel I dragged you in the corridor holding you from your shirt, that can be repeated very easily. Am I clear to you?" She pretend to threatened me.

I laughed and gave in, "Ok your  highness, I am all yours to command."

"Tomorrow is my flight at 9 in the morning by 2 will reach home. Me and my mom are in Montreal attending my cousin's marraige. I am coming back tomorrow mom will come after few days." She told happily.

"Oh! "my excitement dimnished.

"What oh." She mimicked me and went on, "Now you listen carefully we will have lunch tomorrow at 2.30 sharp I am texting you my address and you with your luggage have to be there by all means.

"Are you sure? We can meet day after tomorrow, you can rest tomorrow."

"Shut up you idiot. No more disagreeing. Its fixed we are meeting in the afternoon and you will be there. Don't worry Ross, I will be there before you." Mary assured.

"OK, I will be there."

"I do remember what you love to eat. All your special dishes will be cooked by my awesome chef Mrs. Jones" She said so excitedly.

I resigned and accepted her offer. I just wanted to reunite Mary and talk about those golden days spent in Hostel. It dosent matter where or when the reunion happens?

There was a ping on my phone and her address text was in front of me.

"Now you buzz off and let this day get over. Gosh! Rose, I am dying to meet you." She blowed a kiss and then we hung up.

I went directly to the reception, I wrote the address on a paper and gave it to the manager. I informed him that I would be checking out the next day by 1 o'clock and would need a cab for me to drop me at that address.

All arranged, I rushed towards the lift which was about to close and my phone slipped from my hand and hit the lift floor. It was lying on the floor in pieces. I picked them up, reached my room tried to assemble those pieces but of no. It looked fully damaged. The screen was broken and it was not getting restarted.

I called the reception, to ask for repair shop for phones. The receptionist gave me two addresses which she told me are located hardly two blocks from the hotel. I decided to go in the evening.

I ordered my food and called mum. Giving her suffice details, as to what all happened since I landed in the morning, till now.

After sleping for couple of hours, felt refreshed then changed and went to phone repair shop. The phone guy checked for few minutes,  informed me that it may take him couple of days to repair it, I need to leave the phone with him.

I had no plans of leaving my phone like this. Saying thanks to the shopkeeper I came back to hotel.

Next day I woke up late and changed hurriedly ate breakfast and reached lobby on time. My cab was waiting for me to take me to my desired address. Sat holding my small bag at the back seat which had only 3 casual dresses, two formal suits for interview 4 pair of Lingerie and 1xtra formal footwear.

The navigator showed 1 hour to reach my destination.

I smiled to myself thinking about Mary and my life in college hostle. It was real amazing and those were the most cherishable moments of our life. It's been 3 long years. We both were of same age of 22. She has always been the dominating one. She always saved me from the warden for getting up late sometimes stealing the novels from other girls. She was a real bully.

Opposite to our building was boys hostle. In the class we make plans with the boys for glamorous night outs and a dressy dinners. Mike was also in one of our gang and had a keen eye on Mary. But she never was a serious one in boys. Thou she is the prettiest face and a loveable girl but boys were in awe of her as she was full of riches.

I was tall, cheerful, attractive to looked at and a total freak out types. I had narrow facial features, higher cheekbones. Fuller lips were my best asset.

Time flew like anything. After college Mary decided to enroll for office management course and came back to Maxtown as her father, a big businessman, wanted both his son who was 5 years elder to Mary and Mary to join his business.

I went back to my home and joined a professional architect company.
Our life separated, for few months we communicated through phone later this communication came to an end due to other priorities in life.

Today after three years we are gonna meet again.

I saw on navigator it's showing 4 minutes to destination. My excitement was all on my face and my heart was singing.

The cab eventually stopped in front of a very big villa. My eyes widened just to be sure I checked the address on the name plate it was right. I paid the cab driver and went to the gate.

If I had phone I knew she would have been hanging on the gate to meet me.
I have reached 15 minutes before time.

My apprehension started, don't know why? Feeling bit nervous I spoke to the guard at the gate he stood up on seeing me.

"I am Mary's friend Rose Howard."
I gave my introduction.

"Yes, Miss Howard you are expected at the house please enter."

The gate opened and I entered. I felt relieved.


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