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After presents, it was cake and ice cream time—and Sophie was really excited to try it. She couldn't wait to taste the raspberries mixed with the vanilla.

"We hope you like it," Biana said as Juline served Dex a piece first—along with some Vanilla ice cream.

Dex smiled. "I mean, it looks good." He took his fork and dug in. "Mmmm, this is really good,"

As soon as everyone else got a piece they started eating. And it was really good.

It was so good that Sophie had to get another piece. But while she was half-way done, she realized something wasn't right. The raspberries didn't taste like raspberries.

Suddenly Sophie's head became cloudy and she could feel her skin catch on fire. "Edaline," she rasped as she got up from her seat. "I don't think these are rasp..."

She felt her throat close up as she fell to the ground. Her vision blurred and she couldn't tell who was who. All she knew was that she felt like she was dying.

And maybe she was.

But the last thing Sophie saw before she completely passed out was a figure with icy blue eyes leaning over her.

Sophie woke up to a blinding light and an aggressive beeping noise in her ear.

She also felt a pain in both of her arms—and when she looked over she saw an IV stuck in both of them.

"Thank goodness you're awake,"

Sophie turned to her right and saw Keefe sitting in a chair beside of the cot she was laying in. His hair wasn't styled and he looked like he hadn't slept in days.

"W-what happened?" Sophie's voice sounded very scratchy. She didn't remember much—but she knew that she'd been at Dex's birthday party.

Keefe let out a sigh, looking very tired. "The Raspberries weren't raspberries—they were strawberries—and you had an allergic reaction. A really bad one." He ran a hand down his face before whispering, "You almost died,"

Sophie blinked a couple of times before leaning her head against her pillow. "How long have I been here?"

Keefe let out another long sigh. "Four days," He told her.

Sophie felt a shiver go down her spine. She'd missed four days of school.

"How long have you been here?" She asked, turning her head toward him.

"Um...every day after school for the past four days," He muttered.

Sophie nodded, then asked, "What about everyone else?"

"Don't worry—they've been by a whole lot." Keefe said, standing from his seat and pacing. "It's just—I've been..."

"What?" She asked when he trailed off.

He ran his hand down his face again. "It's just been really rough. I couldn't go home and pretend like everything's okay when I knew that you were here. I tried, but it's hard to deal with pain when you're not there to have a window sleepover party with. So..."

" stayed here," Sophie finished, nodding. She honestly didn't find that creepy like she thought she might've—she found it kind of sweet.

"Thank you Keefe," She said, holding out her needle injected hand, nodding for Keefe to take it. "Thank you for being here for me,"

Keefe gave her a sad smile as he took her hand. "Always Foster,"

Fallin' For You-Part 2Where stories live. Discover now