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   "Food fight!"

Sophie didn't know who had yelled it, but as soon as they had the dining room was thrown into chaos. Kids were throwing their chicken legs and vegetables and cake and ice-cream all over the room. The servants looked like they were trying to keep order, but it was no use.

"My dress!" Biana shrieked when a glop of chocolate cake landed on the sparkly, pink fabric. "That's it!" Biana grabbed the ice cream and cake she'd been eating, stood up on the table, and started chucking the dessert at everyone.

"Biana," Sophie said, trying to avoid the globs of food being thrown her way. "Get down from there—you could fall."

"I'm a Vacker," Biana told her with an air of authority. "I never fall!"

Sophie rolled her eyes and decided the safest place to go was under the table. But as she bent down, a whole cooked chicken came hurdling her way.

She didn't move out of the way in time and it hit her so hard she fell backwards. She tried to stop her fall, but she hit her head on a dessert table before falling to the ground.

Spots danced before her eyes and she saw two figures run up to her. It was Biana and Jensi, and they looked very concerned.

"Call your brother," Jensi told Biana, shaking Sophie's shoulders a little. "Sophie—can you hear us?"

For some reason, Sophie couldn't get her voice to work, so she was silent.

"He's not picking up," Biana said, worry in her voice.

"Then call Keefe," Jensi said, his eyes were full of panic and fear. "She's not getting up."

Sophie tried to keep her eyes open, but a minute later, everything turned black.

When her vision returned again, she felt herself being lifted in the air and she heard a smooth voice whisper, "I've got you Foster,"


When Sophie woke up, the first thing she saw was her stuffed animal, Ella. The first thing she felt was indescribable pain at the back of her head. And the first thing she heard was arguing.

It took a while to pick apart the voices, but soon she figured out that it was Keefe and Fitz.

Sophie knew she should've let someone know she was awake, but she was curious as to why Fitz and Keefe were arguing. So she didn't move a muscle and all she did was listen.

"But why are you getting so mad at me?" Fitz asked, his voice verging on shouting-level.

"Because," Keefe said, also on shouting-level. "Your girl-friend went to a party of a person that she barely knows and—"

Fitz cut him off. "What? You expected me to stop her? Even if I'd tried, she would've gone anyway."

Sophie silently agreed with him.

"That's not what I was saying," Keefe said, sounding very aggravated. "I'm just saying that neither of you knew the dude that well, so if Sophie—your girlfriend—was going, you could've at least been answering any calls you got from her or Biana."

There was a long pause before Keefe continued.

"So if you had really been worrying about Sophie's safety you would've picked up any calls from her or any of our friends that went to the party. Now because you didn't, Sophie hasn't woken up in a week."

Fallin' For You-Part 2Where stories live. Discover now