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"Sophie Foster—why are you sleeping at your window!?"

Sophie woke up to Edaline's horrified voice, and at first she was confused—but then she remembered that she'd never told Edaline about she and Keefe's window-sleepovers.

So much for knowing that she could tell her mom anything.

Sophie sat up, very sleepy but still functional. "Uh, I was talking to Keefe last night and I kind of fell asleep—and he did too." She pointed to Keefe, who was still sleeping on his window sill. "We call them window sleep-over parties, and we mostly have them when we've had a bad day. But yesterday I was really happy and I wanted to spread that happiness to someone that wasn't exactly happy."

Sophie probably sounded very woozy, but Edaline seemed to calm down...but then she saw the floor.

"What's all this?" She pointed to the mess of cookies spread across Sophie's floor.

"Well, after you told me to eat whatever I could find, I decided to eat cookies, that leftover pizza, and drink some sprite. But the mess is because in order to get Keefe's attention I had to throw cookies at his window." Sophie said it like it was the most normal thing in the world.

Edaline sighed, rubbing her temples. "Alright, this is what you're going to do: You're going to clean up this mess, eat breakfast, and then do whatever you do. But because of this you are not allowed to bring food or drinks up to your room anymore. Do you understand?"

Sophie sighed, nodding. It wasn't the worst punishment she'd ever gotten, so at least that was good.

"Okay, after your done cleaning, breakfast will be in the counter," Edaline told her before leaving the room.

Sophie groaned as she got up and started picking up the cookies and the rest of her trash. It took her only five minutes, and when she was done she ate chocolate-chip pancakes and drank some apple juice.

After Sophie had eaten, she walked back up to her room and got on her phone. Today was not a good day to do something alone—so she decided to scroll through her contacts to see who she should call.

The first person in her contacts was Keefe—but she'd be seeing him later that day,

Biana or Fitz? If their plan worked she'd be spending a whole three weeks with them. So, no!

Tam and Linh? From what she'd heard, the twin's parents were terrible people, so she decided she didn't want to have to endure that.

What about Wylie? Nah, he'd be too busy worrying about packing for college next year.

How about Dex? Sophie couldn't think of any reason as to why Dex wouldn't be able to talk to her—so she called him.

Only after three rings, Dex answered up with a, "Hey Sophie!"

"Hey Dex," Sophie said, a smile spreading across her lips. "I was just wondering if you could come over to hang out—or maybe I could go over there...?"

"Yeah," Dex said. "You can come over here—I'm pretty bored."

Sophie laughed. "Same—I'll see you in a few minutes, okay?"

"Alright," Dex said, then their conversation was over.

Sophie went to her closet and changed into some shorts, flip-flops, and a t-shirt before she grabbed her phone and skipped down the stairs.

"Grady, can you drive me over to Dex's house?" She asked when she saw him sitting in the living room, watching a tennis match on TV.

Grady looked over at her. "Only if you wash Verdi on Friday," He said, a smirk on his lips.

Fallin' For You-Part 2Where stories live. Discover now