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Chenle woke up from a ringtone that came from his phone. He got a call.

He groaned and grabbed his phone from the nightstand lazily. Without looking who's the caller, Chenle answered it.

"Hello?" He asked. Still feeling sleepy.

"CHENLE WE DON'T HAVE A CLASS TODAY!" Jaemin screamed. Chenle immediately put his phone away from his ear. Thanks to Jaemin's scream, he's now fully awake. He sat on the bed and looked around.

Jisung isn't here anymore.

"Hyung, you don't have to scream!"

"Sorry, sorry. I just got too excited," Jaemin apologized, still sounding hyper.

"Why's the class canceled?"

"You didn't know? You must sleep very deeply... There's a storm last night," Jaemin informed him.

"Oh, I remember. I woke up because of the thunder last night," then Chenle felt his cheeks burning, remembering what happened last night. He hugged the pillow unconsciously.

Jisung hugged him, Jisung caressed his back, and patted his head like a puppy. Jisung hummed a song for him to sleep.

He remembered Jisung's warmth.

"Hey! Hey? Are you still there?" Jaemin called his attention because he was zoning out.

"What were you saying, Hyung?" Chenle asked when he came back to his senses.

"Let's go to the arcade! Let's play there since we don't have any class today!" Jaemin sounded so excited with the idea of them going out today. "I already messaged them and called them but there's no reply yet, you're the first one who answered my call."

"Arcade? Now?" Chenle asked in disbelief. "It's literally raining hard outside! And the way is flooded for sure."

He liked the idea of going to the arcade but the timing was wrong. Very wrong.

"That's why it's more enjoyable! After we play at the arcade then we'll go play in the rain!"

"Hyung— you're not scared to catch a cold, aren't you?"

"Why would I? It's just a cold, I'm Na Jaemin." He sounded so proud, "Ask Jisung also!"

"I doubt that he'll agree. I'll ask him when I go downstairs."


"Hyung! I can't get inside my house yesterday that's why I ended up staying here!"

"Okay, okay. But did you two sleep together? In the same bed?"

Chenle's cheeks reddened, again, "Why are you asking that?"

"You're blushing, aren't you? You like that hamster?"

What? Hamster? Jisung is a chick!

"No, I don't like Jisung!" Chenle answered then hang up the call, he was being in denial. He couldn't talk to Jaemin longer, he would definitely ask him more questions and tease him.

After hanging up the call, Chenle went downstairs and went straight to the kitchen.

There, he saw Jisung aggressively pouring his cereals to the bowl.

"Good morning!" Chenle greeted him with a wide smile on his face.

Jisung just looked at him for a few seconds, then, grabbed the carton of milk and poured the milk to the bowl with a frown in his face.

"Hey, what's with you?" Chenle asked Jisung, he's concerned about the younger's mood.

He looked... mad.

The last time he saw Jisung's frown was probably at the café. After that, Jisung would just look like an innocent chick or like a curious kid. Sometimes, Jisung looked scared because he's not used to a loud environment and clingy people like Jaemin. But Chenle knows that he's adjusting to the new environment and they're taking it slow.

Jisung shook his head without looking at Chenle. He grabbed his spoon and started eating his cereal silently.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Chenle asked, leaning forward to take a close look at Jisung's face.

Jisung, then, looked at Chenle directly at his eyes and nodded slowly then looked back at his cereal to eat it.

"I'm not convinced," said Chenle, "You're not talking to me."

Why would I talk to you? You don't like me anyway. Jisung said to himself.

He heard what Chenle said earlier upstairs. He was about to wake him up to join him for breakfast but then he heard him saying that he didn't like him.

Jisung may not admit it to himself but he felt hurt. And that he likes Chenle, just a little bit.

Why wouldn't he like Chenle? Chenle was the only one who befriend him even though he pushed him away. Chenle made him feel comfortable and safe. Chenle understood him and his past. Chenle was the first person who didn't judge him. Chenle was the first person, aside from his mom, who cared for him. Chenle thought him how to go out of his comfort zone slowly, he didn't rush him.

"I'm not mad," finally, Jisung has spoken.

"You sure?" Chenle asked again and the younger just nodded.

After that, Chenle went to the kitchen counter and grab two pieces of bread.

"By the way, Jaemin Hyung is inviting us to go to the arcade today, do you wanna come?" Chenle asked while putting the bread to the toaster.

Jisung looked at the window to check the weather while questioning himself why would Jaemin wanted to go to the arcade at this weather.

That Hyung is really weird. I wonder why Jeno Hyung loves him so much. Jisung wondered.

Well, the heavy rain finally stopped, so, he nodded at Chenle. He hadn't been to the arcade. This would be his first time— he's nervous and anxious at the same time.

"Can you pass me the milk?" Chenle asked while pointing out the carton of milk in front of Jisung, "I just want some milk."

Jisung grabbed the carton and passed it to Chenle, "Thanks."

After the bread was finally toasted, Chenle opened the jar of strawberry jam and spread it to the toasted bread and then he poured the milk to the glass.

He sat beside Jisung and started to eat his breakfast peacefully.

While eating, he noticed that the younger kept on looking at him.

"You want some?" Chenle offered his strawberry sandwich and the younger shook his head.

"You sure? I can make you one," then once again Jisung shook his head.

"Okay, but if you want some I can make it to you," then he went back on eating his sandwich.

Jisung wasn't looking at the strawberry sandwich. He was looking at Chenle. Thinking that Chenle would never like him and would only see him as a friend.

Jisung, Speak | ᴄʜᴇɴsᴜɴɢOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora