Chapter 6

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Just in case you might be interested-
Songs I listened to while writing this chapter
Say to you - Ali gatie
Harry styles - lights up
Lewis calpadi- hold me while you wait
Lewis calpadi - someone you loved
Taylor swift - you belong with me
Post Malone - wow
Post Malone - circles

Callie's pov
Getting into the car with Chloe, Adrien waves at us again, he stands watching us drive away before he turns and heads to his car. "so what was that about?" Chloe asks, I was waiting for her to ask. "nothing I guess, we had P. E together, then he offered to pick me up for tonight's party" I say summering everything up. "nice, so you guys a thing now or what?" she says smiling a little. I blush, I wish, but I don't think he even likes me, we are friends now at least. "na, we are just friends" I say, sighing softly. "you like him right?" Chloe says, always curious "kinda" I can't tell her I like him, like more than a lot. "cool.. But please be careful with him" she says, there's a hint of a plea when she says this, what's wrong? he's cool right? I want to ask her what she meant but her phone rings immediately I open my mouth, she looks at the ID "Aargh" she says "I'm definitely not picking this" she says showing me who it is "oh" I say and laugh. "Why can't he just take a hint? seriously it's annoying as hell" she says getting pissed, because the phone keeps ringing none stop. It's Jeff a guy who really likes Chloe, but she doesn't like him at all, he's weird and all, and the worst part is he's a pest. He can call like fifteen times a day and when she finally picks its for a stupid reason, she tried blocking him, but that didn't work out to well. The phone rings again as Chloe packs us at our dorm parking lot, out of frustration i pick the phone up "hey babe" Jeff says. Eww, he should like never say that again, it's disgusting when he says it. Chloe looks at me, trying not to laugh, when he says babe, she can hear because I kept the phone on speaker. "look, this isn't Chloe this is Callie, the next time you call this number I swear to God I will locate you and make you pay for it, I am sure we are clear right?" I say in the voice I reserve for only people like him, I always sound like theo when I talk like that, I always get teased that I sound like a guy, which is true, so using that voice even makes me more boyish like. "yes ma'am" Jeff says stammering, I hang up and drop the phone. "thank you ma'am" Chloe says imitating Jeff, we both laugh and imitate each other till we get into our hostel. It's already seven o'clock which means one more hour till Adrien gets here. I sit on my bed and dial my dad, he picks on the second ring just like Theo, why do they always do that? "Angel" my dad says when he picks up, "dad" I say, I have missed his voice so much, it's been real long since I saw him, it's actually been four months, he has been working and going for trips and all, he has a building not far from campus that he stays in, I wonder when he is going to come back so we could spend the weekend together I really do miss him so much, I could easily say I totally prefer him to my mum, I can even talk to him about literally anything. "yes Angel, what's wrong?" he asks concerned "nothing dad, I just miss you" I say trying not to get emotional. "Awn, angel, i will be back soon I promise" he says reassuring me. "Yh I know, I actually also called to tell you I'm going home tomorrow morning, so I'm going to take one of your cars" I say. "you finally made up your mind I see" he chuckles, "you're free to take any one you want, you know that right?". "yes I do dad, and thank you so much" I Say. "you don't need to thank me, I'm always here for you" we talk for a little while longer till he says he has a meeting in five minutes "I love you dad" I say meaning it. "and I love you more angel" he says and I smile, he says something about me hanging up if I want him to go for the meeting, I laugh and hang up. "what do you think we should wear?" Chloe says when I hang up "I'm not sure, what about you?" I say. She looks into the closet checking for what to wear "i was thinking we could probably dress alike" she says and I I smile at the idea "Prolly" I say smiling a little while she looks at me and laughs "why do you always say that?" she asks smiling "what?" I ask even tho I know what's she's talking about "you like saying Prolly instead of probably" she says. "oh, I just like it, it reduces time, and it sounds more cool to me" I say, she nods and smiles in understanding. I dated a guy once who used to say Prolly, it's since then I started saying it, and ok the contrary i find it really cool to say, the boy is gone but the slang stays. "should we wear white, blue or black?" Chloe says knowing fully well those are my favorite colors and hers too, we are really alike, how am I even surrounded by people who are the same as me? it makes me really comfortable. "Or.." I say smirking "what are you up to Cal" she says looking at my face knowing that expression "we could wear the three colors" I say. "that would be nice" she says are eyes widening, she's watching me check her closet for what we would wear. I finally pick out a white sports top bra with black at the end of it, with a white crop top for her to wear with white joggers and blue sneakers "awesome" she smiles widely loving her outfit. "luckily I have literally the same thing you're wearing" I say going to my own closet bringing out white joggers as well and Adidas royal blue sneakers, then i look for a top to wear, i bring out a white and black lined crop top showing everything to Chloe she says "now that's fire". We laugh checking the time "shit it's seven thirty" I say "are you coming with Adrien and I?" I ask Chloe "na, Zayns coming to pick me up" she says flushing. "nice" I smirk at her, we talk about the guys for a while before finally going to shower. We dress up, each of us helping each other with our hair, we both curl our hair, I curl Chloe's hair to her back and her side, she curls mine to my back and picks a few strands to my front and places them at both sides of my face "you really are hot" she says when she's done, "and so are you" i say to her, picking up my play boy chain and a silver bracelet, i apply my balm and sit down to play games till Adrien comes, Chloe is still putting on her eyeliner and lipgloss she finishes soon and sits on her bed as well, ten minutes later a knock is head at the door.

Adrien's pov
I'm outside the girls dorm thinking whether I should call Callie to come down or I should go up, I get out of the car and sit on it. A car pulls up seconds later as I am about to call Callie, the headlights blind me for a moments, when it goes off, I recognize the car to be Zayn's car. He comes down after a minute and walks up to me. "hey bruh" Zayn says "yo" I reply and we fist bump. "what are you doing here?" Zayn asks first. "I came to pick Callie up for the party" I reply. "oh, so you guys are like a thing now?" he smirks. I wish.. "what about you, what are you doing here?" I ask ignoring his question. "same as you, came to pick up Chloe" he says flushing a little. "I'm calling Callie to come down maybe I should tell her to bring Chloe as she's coming" I tell Zayn. "no man, that's not right, let's go up" he says hitting my back making me stumble forward. "you sure?" I ask and he nods in reply. We continue walking, we could easily use the elevator but it was packed with students and no way i was getting my white stained "like the way you styled your hair man, suits you, and whats with the all white?" Zayn asks "noting I just felt like" I say truthfully. We get to their dorm room Zayn knocks on the door as we continue talking. The door opens to reveal Chloe "hey babe" Zayn says "come in, Oh Adrien's here too" she says smiling, she opens the door for us to enter, Callie is on her bed not facing us with her headset on playing a game, I can bet it's red Knight, she really loves the game. Chloe taps her and she turns. She finally stands and I see she's wearing white also.. Oh lord she's Damn hot.. I stare at her my lips parting, I recover soon enough in time to see Zayn pointing between Chloe, Callie and I "OK what the hell is going on? why are the three of you dressed in white?" he says taking back by the girls and I appearance. "what's wrong b, you're also wearing white" Chloe laughs, "I am wearing a white sweat shirt and white loafers" he says gesturing to his cloths "and you look hot" Chloe says kissing him. "and Adrien jeez, you look. Damn. Could I borrow your shades?" Chloe says taking in my appearance, I am wearing transparent glasses with gold rims. "thanks "I smile at Chloe also commenting on her. Callie and her probably decided to dress alike, and they are both dripping tonight especially Callie. I turn over to Callie who hasn't said a word since we got in, she's looking at me taking in my appearance I can't help but feel shy. I rub the back of my neck and clear my throat. "so shall we?" I ask everyone. "Yh sure let's rock" Chloe says. Callie drops her headset on the bed and takes her AirPods instead and follows us out. "Adrien I think we need to watch over this ladies tonight if we want to come back home with them" Zayn says smirking. Everyone laughs.

Callie's pov
Chloe gets up to open the door i continue playing my game wondering when Adrien's gonna get here, a minute passes and someone taps me, definitely Chloe. I turn to see Adrien and Zayn entering the room, I stand up instantly. What the actually fuck.
Adrien's dripping like Damn hot dripping, he's wearing white just like Chloe and I, Zayns also wearing White, but his jeans are ripped black. Adrien is on a white shirt which he didn't button fully, half his chest is showing which is extremely hot, I can't take my eyes off him, I imagine me kissing his chest.. What's the fuck sub laughs. I drag my eyes from his chest to his face, he is wearing shades, transparent ones that go extremely well with his face and his hair, he changed the look a little, he curled it to his fore head letting it cover his face partially, he changed his earring to a silver stud, his nose ring goes well with the concepts,why does a guy even have a nose ring but which ever way it soothes him and he always looks hot trying to or not. I hear Zayn and Chloe beaker back and fourth about how they look, still looking at Adrien, he looks at me and finds me staring, as much as I want to remove my eyes I can't, he looks uncomfortable, he rubs the back of his neck a gesture i have grown to love. He says something about leaving but seriously I can't hear. I drop my headset since we are going to be with people and all it will seem weird bringing an headset, but I still take my AirPods just in case at least for the drive there and back. Zayn says something about them watching over us, but sincerely I feel it's the opposite way around.

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