Chapter 14

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A/N: hey guys the picture up is what Chloe is wearing for her book launch and that's also my version of Chloe(Diana in real life)🤗..
Song selection:
Khalid - location
Khalid- know your worth
Khalid - stay
Khalid - no question
Halsey - without me
Juice wrld - wasted

Adrien's pov
I'm literally going out of my fucking mind, I've been trying to end things with Cassandra but she keeps threatening me with fucking shits she's going to tell Callie, I've been trying to let her off on a good note but she's not buying it, that's why I have been avoiding Callie since last week, chloe finally confronted me when she saw me at the party with Cassandra and almost killed me, she also threatened to tell Callie if I don't and I know Chloe well she will fucking do it, the guilt is fucking eating me up, I could just have broken up with Cassandra the moment I figured out I had feelings for Callie, but me being the ladies guy I am I couldn't, I finally tried and now look what the fuck I'm going through
"Adrien is there something your not telling me, I swear if you tell me now I will forgive you" Callie's voice keeps popping at the back of my head, maybe if I had followed her home I could have told her and she would have forgiven me. It's already been another bloody week with me avoiding Callie, I can see she's getting really irritated she even stopped trying to talk to me, I really want to see her but God Cassandra keeps making me do things so she can keep her mouths shut, before I would have enjoyed doing them but now I'm just getting fucking sick, the black circles forming under my eyes showing my lack of sleep.
Chloe's book launch is tonight, I want to tell Callie tonight but I can't because she will be in a really happy mood I don't think I will like to spoil that, not tonight at least, besides Cassandra said she's coming to the party and she's following me home today and she's staying till tomorrow evening which I'm already dreading, I could easily escape and go home but I know that will have fucking heavy consequences. I sigh and start looking for what the fuck to wear for tonight not even feeling it, at least let me see Callie's face.

Callie's pov
Finally its here, Chloe's book launch, she literally didn't sleep last night till I finally forced her too. For the first time in her life she's awake early on a Saturday for that matter, she jumped to my bed making me laugh because I was already awake playing a game. "I'm so happy for tonight, I've been dreaming about it, and it's finally here, you have no idea how happy I am right now" she says jumping on my bed.
"don't you think you would tire yourself out if you don't stop being to hyper" I point out "trust me I'm fully charged" she says "I'm going to where the dress you got me, it's perfect for tonight, plus Zayns parent might come, he said he wants them to see how much of an accomplisher I am" she says in between breaths. "well he didn't get that wrong" I laugh, she's just to happy. I start cuddling my Teddy bear i named Rousser according to Adrien's surname "you were right the dress is perfect" I say when she brings it out of her closet using a roller to straighten it out.. "what about my make up, my shoes, my hair?" she remembers when she finishes with her clothes "relax b, you got this" I say trying to calm her down, but she doesn't relax "OK fine, I'm good at doing things for you, but not today, instead I'm taking you to a professional who's going to make you look perfect" i say which makes her calm down and her eyes widen, she charges at me as usual, this time before she gets to me i use my pillow to hit her which makes her stumble and fall on the floor in a funny way making me laugh, she stands up getting her own pillow and soon enough we start a pillow fight till we are tired. "I love you Callie" Chloe says resting on me "Yh you do" I say playing with her hair while she traces the tattoos on my fingers.

Checking the time it's already six, Chloe's book launch starts by seven so she should be there by at least seven forty -eight, the location for the party is on the fields of black studios which made Chloe literally scream which made my mum almost have an heart attack, I really like that the both of them are close. Anyways since the location is kinda far from the dorms we take our evening outfits putting it in our bags and go to a make up store recommended by my mom not actually that far from the company more like a thirty minutes drive from the party which works perfectly for us.

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