Chapter 15

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A/N: hey guys I can't believe this book is actually about to end 😩, well what can I say all things most surely end..
Song selection for this chapter :
Fergie - big girls don't cry
Mariah carey - butterfly
Demi lovato - sorry not sorry
Eminem Ft ed sheeran - River
24hrs Ft lil pump- lie detector
Xxxtentacion - falling down
Xxxtentacion - Fuck love

Callie's pov
"Fuck this,I can't stand to see you like this, if he isn't going to tell you then I fucking will" she says and then she begins..

"I really didn't want to be the one to tell you this, but as your best friends and a friend to that fucker I can't keep this shit in.."

Chloe's pov
"are you fucking kidding me" I gasp when I see Adrien fucking kissing Cassandra, first of all what the fuck is she doing her? she's not a friend of Zayn so he didn't invite her and obviously neither did I, if he was just talking to her It would have been cool, but hell he had to kiss her in fucking public for that matter.. I keep staring at him getting ready to punch his face but as I am about to go I see Callie turning to see what I'm looking at and I stop her immediately no way I'm going to allow her see that "Zayn actually told me he might dump me for you if you keep making me look this hot" I tell Callie which makes her turn to me laughing, she neho and I talk for a while till that fucker has the nerves to fucking cuddle her and kiss her making my clench my fists behind my back, if Callie ever found out I know to fucking well he's gonna be dead meat, I try to control the urge to punch him from just looking at him with plain disgust "can I talk to you maybe outside" I say trying to keep my face normal, knowing it's the only way he will follow me out.

"what the fuck do you think you're trying to achieve" I bark at Adrien who's trying to play innocent "excuse me, what the hell are you talking about?" he says, I swear to God if I was wearing casual clothes I will punch his face till he's bleeding all over "you're two timing I see, you're fucking with Cassandra and my freaking best friend, I told you from the start that if you ever liked Callie you should let thing offs with Cassandra, what the fuck happened to that deal!" I shout at Adrien who finally pales at my words finally knowing I caught him "promise me you won't tell her" he says his eyes already wide "and what makes you think I'll do that if you didn't keep your own promise Adrien, all the time that poor girl thinks of you wondering why the fuck you ignore her, how do I want to tell her it's for a cheap Skunk" I say dragging the last part "I give you a fucking week if you don't tell her, I swear I will" I say breathing not that far from his face making him feel the threat behind it fully "i will" he says his breathing shallow, satisfied I leave him outside heading back inside to grab callie who seems like she was ready to start looking for us.

Callie's pov
"he promised me he was going to tell you yesterday but we can see clearly he has no plans of being honest" Chloe finishes looking a little sick.
My head starts to reel from this new information, it can't be, he said he loves me, that nothing could take him away form me, na maybe it's just a misunderstanding, he said he had work and he will be here soon.. He.. "I overhead him talking to her at my book launch, apparently they are together now at his house" Chloe says slowly
"what!" My voice increases,
without thinking I grab my car keys "no, no Callie I will drive you there you don't look so good, and If something should happen you might need my help" Chloe says taking my key from my hand "thanks" i say my live barely a whisper, hell this isn't my voice.. In the car I'm thinking praying with everything in me that what Chloe just said isn't true, that i wouldn't find Cassandra there, and what is eaten up Adrien is something else, but within me I can feel the dark realization hit me I feel like a drunk without even drinking since the last two hours.

"how are you getting in, I could go and knock" Chloe says, she looks really sad but I'm not in the mood for pity party.." na, it's okay, I have a key" I say opening the dashboard to take out the key Adrien gave me, getting out of the car every step to the house Is increasing my blood pressure, it's making my head swirl I could just turn back and let him confess but no my legs drag me till I use my keys to open the door, finally getting to the bedroom apparently he didn't hear me come in, God please no, please no, and then it takes everything in me to open the door, and I pale immediately..
"what the actual fuck" I say when I see the horrible sight, Cassandra riding fucking Adrien fucking Rousser.
She stands up immediately shouting in surprise.. "Callie I can explain, I swear it isn't what it looks like" he says taking his jeans walking up to me while I back away quickly making what feels like hurt flash on his face, what the fuck he's hurt? Then I'm what? "let me just explain" Adrien says.. I want to listen, hell I want to but I can't my head spinning faster than it ever has, for a moment I think I'm on a roller coster that doesn't want to stop.. I feel hot, too hot to be in this room.. Adrien's voice suddenly sounds distant but he's standing close to me still I can't hear
My vision starts to blur I stumble back Holding my head and then I fall, Darkness.
"Callie!" I hear Adriens voice, I feel myself get lifted off the ground and then I go blank. Hearing and feeling nothing.

A/N: hey guys one more chapter to go, I can't believe this but hell I'm happy.

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