Chapter 7

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My song selection for this chapter
Xxxtentacion - guardian Angel
The weekend - blinding lights
Billie Elish - bad guy
Rotimi - love riddim
Rotimi - Sip slow
Burna Boy - secret

Adrien's pov
The drive to the party is driving mostly in silence, broken a few times by Zayns and Chloe bickering, and Callie softly humming to the songs she's listening to. We decided to use one car, and I didn't want to drive so I could look at Callie the whole drive so Zayns driving instead, I and Callie are sitting at the back, with Chloe and Zayn at the front. "babe guess what Callie did" Chloe Says, she turns to the back to get my attention while she talks to and to Zayn and I, Callie isn't really interested that's if she can hear. "you know that guy jeff?" Chloe says asking us "Yh I do, your boyfriend" I say to Chloe trying to make her angry. "fuck off" Chloe says and we laugh. "Yh, I know Jeff, the guy who keeps disturbing you, I swear to God if he continues I will silence him" Zayn sneers. "it's cool babe, Callie took care of him" Chloe says, what?! "how" I ask seriously surprised, Zayn is also taken aback "she what?" Zayn asks really trying to concentrate on the road. "yh, she took care of him" Chloe says, she turns to me looking at my reaction then Zayns. "jeez, no I didn't mean beat him up like the both of you would" she says laughing, we both sigh and she laughs harder "then what did she do then" I and Zayn ask together which makes Chloe laugh again. "he called me today on our way back to the dorms, I didn't pick at first but he kept calling till we got to the dorm, which got Callie irritated, we all know how she gets irritated easily right?" she pauses for us to reply, we both nod then she continues. "so she got irritated and picked the phone, he thought it was me and he was like hey babe and all, Callie was so irritated she just cut him off and threatened him telling him if he ever called me again she was going to rip his head off, you should have heard how she sounded, I myself was scared then he was like yes ma'am" Chloe says mimicking Jeff. woah, she's crazy .. I turn over to her she's not even listening.. the hell.
She's humming to a song I try to get the tune and lyrics, I finally hear the end and I know it's before you go by Lewis calpadi, she really does have taste. We get to the party location soon enough, I tap Callie to let her know we are here cause she dozed off at a point giving me the privilege to study her face without getting caught. She smiles at me before coming down. The parties packed with literally everyone at school it's crowdy but we have a table set for us, since the rest of the gang where here before us, we head over to the gang Callie immediately leaving us to hug neho. What about if she likes neho and not me. The thought strikes me hard, she can't like him right, I just have to try to make her fall for me I guess. I stare at her and neho as I sit in the arm chair, neho is really focusing on her and taking in her every word like water. Back off bro.. I sneer at him, he likes her I can see it, I thought he liked Chloe, oh Yh that didn't go to well when she said they could only be friends..ouch..
What about if Callie tells you that?
My inner voice says to me, I think I will just loose it. She's really attending only to neho jeez.

Callie's pov
Someone taps me, did i fall asleep?, I turn my head, it's Adrien he says something about getting up, I smile at him and get out. The hosts of the party went all out, everyone is practically here, it's packed with a lot of students, how many are we jeez. I look for neho and I find him easily, in as much as I want to stay with Adrien i will probably stutter all evening cause he looks hotter than usual. I hug neho when I get to him, he hugs me back tightly and drags me to sit. "whats been going on" neho asks wanting answers to why we all are wearing white, i tell him everything in details, he pays attention as always making me want to talk more. We talk for a long time Prolly fourth five minutes before i realize he's not the only one at the party, I clear my throat I'm dehydrated. "do you want a drink?" neho says eyeing me. "yes please" I say "coming right up" neho says which makes me smile. He gets up and passes Adrien's side, did Adrien just sneer at him?, na it's Prolly something else. I bring out my phone and start talking to my old friends from high school, a new message drops, its unknown. *Can we talk in thirty five minutes* the message reads. *who's this* i reply *Adrien* he replies, oh I look over to Adrien's side of the room he's looking at me. *Yh sure* i reply and drop my phone. What does he want to say please don't let me choke I pray silently. Neho comes back with the usual red cups. "thanks" I say taking a sip of the drink "you got me wine" I laugh "Yh, I know, I didn't want you to get drowsy to soon" he smiles. I laugh. We talk for another while till my phone vibrates,I check it *its time come out* the message from Adrien reads. As its already been thirty five minutes, I and neho really talk a lot then. I excuse myself from neho and the rest to go and find Adrien. It takes a while but I spot him soon enough resting on one of the many cars parked around, he is really dashing this evening, a group of girls pass by him and turn to look at him their eyes widen when they take in his appearance.. Back off bitches.. I sneer.. Chill, he's not even yours...yet. My sub mocks me, finally raising her head from her sleep, I guess she's right, he's not and he also Prolly doesn't like me, after all he has multitude of girls gushing over him, sighing I walk up to him. "ya" I say. "hey" he says "you kept me waiting" he smiles dragging my hand. "what are you doing" I say taken aback, he looks at me puzzled "let's go for a walk" he says explaining. Oh, feeling a little disappointed. We walk for a few minutes without talking , the air around not actually lousy, everywhere is really beautiful at night, I wonder which is more perfect, nature or Adrien. "your brother tells me, he is coming home tomorrow" Adrien says breaking the silence. What!?. He knows Theo?, "how do you.." I start but he cuts me off "he's my friend, like a really close friend, something you girls call best friends or whatever" he says "oh" is all I can say, how come theo has never spoken about him, wait he has but I never cared to no who he was gushing about, it was Prolly Adrien i guess, how did they even become friends "he was the first person that i became friends with when I entered" Adrien says answering my unspoken question. He fills me in with all the details.. Mostly.. Something in me tells me that's not all, but I push the thoughts back. "how did you know he was my brother, I don't remember telling you anything" I ask, "Oh Yh, about that, he filled me in, and he also sent a picture of you" he says bringing out his phone to show me a picture of theo and I, theo is backing me and we are both smiling happily, i remember that day, we both went to a park to spend the day together... "so are you going to your place tomorrow" Adrien days reviving me from my flashback, "Yh that's the plan" I say to him as we continue our walk. "well i was thinking, since you don't have a car yet maybe I could drop you off at your place since I'm also going home and we practically live together" Adrien asks smiling "I would totally love that thanks" I smile gratefully, I fill him up with the conversation I had with my dad about the car, he's showing genuine interest and I'm really glad, I thought he will be bored, but I remember our conversation in the car last time, we where driving to the lounge on Wednesday when he offered to drop me off we spoke through out the ride and we found out we had a lot in common both Antisocial and all, he admitted to liking my company I guess.. I really enjoyed my ride here, now i have to go in Adrien's previous words fill my head, what did he mean? Does he like me keeping him company? Na, I just really need to stop over thinking that's all "when do you want to pick me up" i ask Adrien who seems lost in his own thoughts "what?" he asks clearly not hearing me the first time "when are you picking me up" I repeat "oh, whenever your ready I'm in no rush" he says, i nod, we keep on waking and talking along the road, checking my phone I see I've spent two hours with Adrien. How's that even possible, we walk back to the party and hang with our friends, I get tired after playing tones of games and drinking, i drank more than I usually do just because the alcohol was nice neho got scared at a point that I was going to throw up, he offered to take me to the dorm, but Adrien cut him off, neho decides to let him have me when he saw Adrien was not listening to any of us. He drove Zayns car to my dorm promising him he will be back. "Callie can you walk?" adrien asks me when we get to the dorm parking lot "yes I'm fine" I say "thanks" getting out of the car, I stumble a little and hit my foot on a stone dropping on the floor.. Aish.. What the hell, how can that jerk not know I like him I've spent a month in this school and there is no progress with him, is he senial or something.

Adrien's pov
"hey Callie can you walk"i ask her, she looks like she's going to drop any minute, I hope she's okay, after we got back into the party her mood changed, she even forced herself to play games, beer donk that she was really good at she didn't concentrate and drank the most. "yes I'm fine" she snorts, weird is she angry at me about something. She opens the door and turns to look at me before she goes "thanks" I guess not. She gets out and I start the engine of the car again, looking at the window I see her walking to the dorms, then she falls, what the, she said she was fine. I get out of the car instantly running towards her "carly, ya, you said you were okay" I say trying to raise her from the floor. "carly?" she says smirking, "your the only one who calls me that, what's with the R instead of L" she says her words slurring at the end, God even when drunk she's cute "hey, one step at a time okay" I say holding her up, and walking towards the dorm, she's in no condition to use the stairs so I take the elevator "hey where's your room key" I ask her "My pocket" she says trying to grab it, she hands it over to me resting on me, the elevator finally stops and we get off, dragging her till we reach her door, I carry her to her bed removing her shoes from her leg and emptying her pocket "don't touch me" she says pushing me off "I was just putting you to bed" I say telling her "you might get sick dressed in all these, here drink this" I say handing her the bottle water beside her bed "finish it" I say when she tries to drop the bottle, she glares at me but finishes it. Good. She turns away from me facing the wall "thanks for dropping me, get out" she says what?! .. Did I do something wrong, "ok good night, please sleep well" I say standing from her bed, heading for the door I stop when I hear her sniffle, is she crying, i stop at the door definitely not leaving if she's crying. "Yo!" she turns shouting startling me. "are you naive or clueless?" she says her checks stained with tears. I guess I did something wrong then. "what did I do, I can fix it" i say walking up to her immediately,, she's really glaring at me. "how is it you don't know" she says tearing up "what?" I ask "did I do something wrong?" I ask Concerned. She looks at me and stands up making me grip the door, she comes closer to me, looking into my eyes "how don't you know you fool, how could you not know how much I like you, or you just don't care" she says. she likes me? Callie likes me! My eyes widen, my heart racing "did you just say you like me?" I ask trying to make sure. "you, you, you, stop playing hard to get" she says poking me. I can't express what I'm feeling now, but I swear it's the best feeling in the world, I have no idea what to do or say, my senses lost for a moment, she nearly falls and i grab her immediately, looking at her, her eyes closed, she fell asleep, I carry her back to her bed and wrap her up. "you like me, you said it, now I'm at peace, I promise you, you won't regret ever liking me" I say to her sleeping figure, watching her features I gently remove her hair from her face careful not to wake her up and kiss her forehead making it linger more than it should, in as much as I want to stay and watch her sleep, I need to get the car back to Zayn, I kiss her hand and leave driving back to the lounge, feeling like the happiest man alive.

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