Chapter 7

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There was a silence between us, it wasn't the sort of silence that made you uncomfortable. It was as if what had needed to be said had already been spoken, and that was enough for us. I glance over at him, weighing up the facts that I sort of already know about him. Hoping that one doesn't lead me down the "Omg he's going to kill me and keep me in the boot of his car" sort of thoughts because as of right now I've decided that I need to be more chill around boys. I figure that if I want one to stick around then I need to change my ways.

"So have you got any plans today Eva?" George asks, not once taking his eyes off the road. However he does do a little smirk which almost suggests that his peripheral vision is outstanding, he saw me jump slightly by the sound of his voice piercing my tranquil state of mind. For once in a long while, I am in a relaxed environment where there are no harsh judgments being thrown my way.

"No, not really. I'm not a plans type of girl" The art of chillness becomes one with me, it's almost as if I have no control over my body when I am around George. Peculiarly my mind regains control just to let me have a chance at a boy. This is a good start to what was expected to be a first and plenty more times fail.

"That's amazing to know-" George slows down at the red light, bring the car to a stop. For the first time since I've got into the car, George looks over at me, in a proper- turn body, turn head, full attention on me sort of look. One that no boy in their right mind would give to me, one the times that I used to get attention from the male species they usually sensed they were going to fall at the first hurdle when it comes to me. But not with George. Somehow he is different, I just can't put my finger on it.

" I was wondering- and its totally okay to say no as well- would you mind attending a small, ever so little function with me. It won't take long maybe 2 hours at the latest. I will definitely make it worth your while." George suggests with his eyebrows raised, there is hope behind his gorgeous blue eyes. That isn't something I can deny him now, I mean can you see that look on his face that makes it almost feel as if you're about to leave a puppy in a rescue centre.

"Yeah sure, sounds alright to me. I have no dire need to get home right now anyway. Am I alright dressed as I am?" I question the blonde boy just as he starts the car back up. I look down and question my life choices from this morning, questioning when I was in my right mind to wear an awkward pair of purple converse and a bright blue top. Its almost as if fate has it in for me like mother nature knew damn well that I'd see a cute boy today and decided that I should look like an umploopa while doing it.

George nods his head, "You look amazingly perfect in the clothes that you are wearing, no need to change. We aren't far from where we need to be" He says taking his eyes off the road and landing on me. He wanted to see the reaction that he caused with his oh-so cheeky comment.


Love Abi xxx

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