Chapter 11

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The night air was unforgiving, even in our drunken state. His jacket is surprisingly warm, and large – yet perfect for me. I think that I’ve thought too much about what is going on in my life tonight, but maybe that’s a good thing for me. My drunken thoughts might actually make sense to me tomorrow, possibly accompanied with the expected headache but I think I’m okay with that. Having this impromptu night out has only shown me what I’ve been missing from a normal teenage life.

Leaning on me George had his classic grin on his face, one that could make anyone smile. I can get away with staring at him longer now that he is drunk, I can notice more about him without seeming like a creep to him. Even if it is out of the corner of my eye. My mind wonders of all the possibilities between me and George, for once I actually entertain a few.

He quickly grabs my hand and spins me around, laughing drunkenly at his own actions. We stop abruptly into each other -feeling a bit dizzy I take a while to steady. My mind clocks the way we are standing, too close, too fidgety just to be friends. His hands fumbling the ends of my sleeves, my weight shifting on both my feet unsure what move will be made next. We were close enough to one another to feel the warmth of his breath on my face, the apple scent from our previous shots clouding my senses. The street light illuminates parts of his face, allowing me to only see sections of his beauty in the orange tinge. George’s movements were delayed but his face spoke a thousand words, his eyes were lustrous but beautiful. Distracted by their exquisiteness I failed to notice his hand reach up to my face. It brushes lightly over my check bone and almost gently brushes my wispy bits of hair away from my face. An affectionate action that I was not expecting from him, especially not right now.

“You’re beautiful you know, and not in the ‘you have beauty therefore you have worth’ kinda way, you’re just perfect in all ways. Inside and out.” I look at him with my head tilted, confused in whether he actually meant it or not, or should I just pin it down to his drunken state. It didn’t seem like he was drunk in that moment, that moment we were somewhere completely different, a place that I had never been to before. He closes his eyes first, and makes the first move to learn in. He was actually leaning in to kiss me! Obviously I wasn’t reading the situation right because this isn’t what I was expecting at all out of tonight. I quickly follow his actions, closing my eyes I take a deep breath and wait for his lips to touch mine.

“Hey Arsehole, I’ve got a bone to pick with you!” I open my eyes, looking around to check what the commotion was about. George does the same thing and just like that the moment between us was over. There was a guy approaching us, I quickly turn around to look behind me to see who the guy was shouting at. But there was no one there. I look back at the angry man in confusion, thinking that maybe he’s got the wrong person. George hasn’t had time to upset anyone tonight, he was too busy getting shit faced with me. “Yeah you, you little bitch. I’m talking to you!”

The shock now apparent on my face, I glace up to George who was just as confused. “I’m sorry?” I try to think back to any encounters I’ve had through the night, but nothing comes to mind.

“Yeah you better be sorry for the way that you’ve treated my mate!” He shouts in my face, George steps slightly in front of me, blocking him from getting too close to me.

“Look mate, I don’t know why you’re shouting, I don’t even think you’ve got the right person but quit being a dickhead and talk like a normal person”. It seems as though George has sobered up in the space of a few seconds, his words were a little slurred but I’m quite thankful that he is aware enough to notice. The guy squares up to George, but surprisingly and quite unlike George, he doesn’t stand down.

“You broke that guys heart you whore, leaving him feel like shit after all he wanted to do was buy you a drink” The very angry lad then proceeds to point to a guy necking another girl just down the road, there weren’t many people out at his time of night now. It was quite easy to see that it was the guy that hit on me in the bar.

“George come on, let’s go” I said, pulling on his sleeve slightly. Hoping that the issue would be dropped, I don’t feel like seeing that guy again.

“I’m not letting it go Eva, he called you a whore. He’s a whore…fucking whore” The last part was mumbled to himself. It was clear that George hadn’t sobered up, he just knows to protect me when he’s drunk. Which is kind of sweet, we hardly know each other and he wants to protect me. Not that I can’t take care of it on my own, it’s just nice to be considered.

The guy shouting was oddly quite, out of nowhere there was a sudden thud. To Georges face. Before I could even comprehend what has just happened the guy was already running off in the other direction. My eyes examine Georges face, there is blood pouring out of his nose. He smiles at me, blood dripping down into his mouth. Thankfully the alcohol was acting as a pain killer for now, I can only imagine the pain hell be in tomorrow. “Lemme take you back to mine then?” He questions, as if he hadn’t just be sucker punched in the shnoze. I chuckle and pull him into me as close as possible making sure that he is stead before we head to the taxi rank. His flirts continue down the street, they were harmless and quite funny.  The butterflies in my stomach start to play up as I think about us going back to George’s house, this isn’t how I would have expected my night to end. Mind you I didn’t expect any of this to happen tonight, but there we go. Some people just make your days feel a little bit better. 

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