Chapter 14

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My peaceful sleep was being disrupted by what can only be described as the worst sound in the world and nothing less. At first I thought that it was just part of my epic dream which accompanied my amazing sleep, but I knew that my good night's sleep in my house was too good to be true especially with the suspicious amount of shut eye I'm getting. As I opened my eyes I remembered that I was currently in George's bed, next to George, with my thigh on Georges lap. The suggestiveness of that alone was enough to get me blushing.

With my senses coming back to me slowly I get an odd awareness of my leg getting splashed? "What's going on?" I question woozily as I try to raise my head while remaining in the same comfy position I was in. The sound of someone chucking up their guts continued but the unfortunate thing was that the sound wasn't coming from the en-suite but rather directly next to me or rather -to my shortcoming- on me.

"Omg what's going on? Are you okay?" I try to sit further up without touching any more of the sick. I rub his back lightly, George turns his head and gives a weak smile which I return, not before his face turned a little more serious and resumed his previous position to throw up and gags slightly. I can already feel my face draining of colour, there is no chance that I'll be blushing at anything at the moment,

"'I'm okay. I think." He murmurs laying back down on his bed with the sick still sitting in his lap and parts on my leg as well. He closes his eyes trying to not think about what just happened.

"So I think I should go before you start to puke again and it starts a chain reaction." I smile at him, sympathy written all over my face. If I had any friends I would definitely tell them about this. I slowly climb out of the bed, trying not to look at anything below my waist.

"Are you sure?" he asks about to move. The realisation of what just happened and why I'm leaving hitting him.

"No. Don't move!" I shout showing the fear within me whilst throwing my arms up in defence, I knew that one more move from George and it would be over for me. I pride myself on not having been sick since I was six years old.

I think about all the potential and fatal scenarios which could possibly happen from here, especially the disastrous occurrence of my spew mixing in with his, and lord knows I hate being sick, hate the idea of sick, hate the idea of being sick in front of someone, especially a really cute guy. Coming to think of it how dare George look like an angelic specimen whilst being severely hungover and...I pause my thoughts and wince a little as I notice bits of what I can only assume is sick stuck to his beautifully sculpted chin. "I'll see myself out" I quickly pick up my shoes on the floor and stumble out backwards through the door, keeping my eyes pointed at the floor for safe keeping.

"I guess I'll see you around then" George shouts as I make my way down the corridor as fast as I could. Don't spew! Do. Not. Spew Eva. I'm warning you if you spew in this cute boy's apartment that's it, game over. You wouldn't be able to live it down for the rest of your life that's for sure, and you would never be able to face George. This is not an ideal situation to be in, I think this is probably the worst situation to be, but maybe one day we can both look back on this and laugh. God I hope I'll see him again, it can't end like this.

Sneaking through the hallway trying to figure which door leads to my escape, I notice that the apartment that I came in last night looks a lot different in the morning. It seems a lot brighter and a lot manlier than I gave it credit. There were random bottles of beer littering the floor as well as dirty socks and shirts scattered everywhere. You can tell that these guys don't clean up after themselves, well not willingly. There were even plates on the table that have probably been there for longer than I care to imagine.

But somehow you get a sense of home in this place like Georges personality shines through every piece of furniture and every piece of art. It's far from the vibes my house give off, its ice cold there with everything almost gleaming with a pristine perfection.

"Hey you want a cup of coffee?" The same voice from last night startled me again. "Or are you more of a tea kind of gal?" His head popped around the kitchen door. He looked like he had just woken up himself, just a bit more with it and with a lot less chunks on him. Just like George, his personality lit up any room he was in. Unlike George he seemed less put together, like he just stumbling through life one mishap at a time. Sometimes you just know what their life is like by looking at their face. "I'm James by the way." He announced sarcastically whilst placing his hand to his chest and taking a small bow.

"I remember your name, I remember all of last night... well kind of. There are some patchy bits." His face breaks out into a grin, almost loving how awkward this all is. "I was actually about to head out" I say trying not to inhale through my nose. I give a slightly awkward smile to him hoping that he would take the hint and let me leave without any awkward morning conversation. Spinning on my toes I start to head towards the door again.

A little issue that was now niggling in the back of my head which for some reason would not go away, is the idea that James seems a little too comfortable with a random girl being in his flat. As far as he's concerned me and George hooked up last night, he doesn't know anything about me but here he is offering a cup of tea. If I were him I'd avoid me at all costs, because technically I'm some werido one night stand just lingering in the hall way. I can't shake the idea that George tends to do this a lot.

I pivot when a thought crosses my mind about George. "Uh do you think you could check on him in a few hours just to make sure he hasn't chocked on his own vomit." I grimace as I remember the reason I was in a rush to leave, something hit my foot and I know for a fact that it wasn't rainbow drops. At this moment in time I have hit the lowest point in my life.

"Oh shit! Is he okay in there? I've never seen him that bad before." James takes a sip of his coffee and makes his way to stand in the hallway with me. "You know, you must be a real bad influence on him. You're even abandoning him in his time of need." I frown at him not really understanding what he was implying. Is he trying to suggest that I'm the bad influence?

If my memory- well my very vague, patchy memory- serves George was the one buying in most of the drinks, as well as the one that wanted me to stay out longer? I'm pretty sure if it weren't for the small punch up he had, we'd still be out partying right now- much to my dismay.

"For your information this was all Georges' idea, not mine. I'm also not abandoning him, I'm trying not to spew my guts up because he spew his guts up on me!" The level of my voice starts to rise. My nostrils flare but I regretted it straight away. I just want to crawl up in a ditch around about now, that would be a great substitution to the hell that I am currently enduring. James raises his eyebrow at me, but makes no comment. His intriguing eyes are full of judgement, something that I'm only used to seeing in my mothers.

"That is quite an unfortunate turn of events for the old fella isn't it, but as George's uncertified wingman I would have to suggest that you leave him your phone number. I know George would want to apologies for everything that he made you suffer through last night and well, this morning as well." Gesturing towards my legs in a haphazard motion. I glare at him, slightly irritated, he's already ruined my day and it isn't even late morning yet, I can't even get brunch it's that early. "I wouldn't hear the end of it if I let a stunner like you leave without getting your number, if not for George, then for me?" He mouth morphed into a sheepish grin. So that was his end goal.

I look around the apartment to see if there is anywhere I could leave my number. I justified it to myself that I wasn't doing this because James had asked me, but rather I did want to hear from George again. I might as well make it easy for him to get a hold of me, coming to think of it- he does pop up everywhere I go. In the corner of my eye James pulls out a piece of paper and a biro from dressing gown with a small knowing smirk on his face. "You have already planned this haven't you?"

"I wouldn't be a very good wing man now would I? I couldn't just let you leave. I'm actually a hopeless romantic at heart, with the hope that this blooms into something more for you two. Plus, George needs a chance to redeem himself." I snatch the items out of his hand before he even got to finish his speech about true love and quickly write down my number, I see James peeping at what I'm doing out of the corner of my eye. I pull it closer to my chest. Folding the paper as many times as it would let, I reluctantly hand it back to James' waiting hands. Before it lands into his palms I pull it back from his grasp.

"This is to be given to George okay, this isn't for you" I hesitate before putting it in his hand. He grins knowing that he has achieved what he has set out to accomplish. God George better be worth this. "Right, I am definitely off now. See you soon."

"Oh you most certainly will."

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