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     Phoenix and Peeta turn around at the calling of their names

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

     Phoenix and Peeta turn around at the calling of their names. " Yeah? " The two call out in unison. They both immediately knew something was wrong by the tense body language of Katniss and Finnick. " Walk over here slowly. " Katniss mutters just loud enough for them to hear. 

Peeta and Phoenix look back at each other for a moment before looking directly in front of them. Phoenix's eyes widened, realizing she was faced with multiple monkeys surrounding the alliance, all showing off their razor-sharp teeth. Phoenix and Peeta flinch as one came almost too close.  

They began walking back slowly, making sure to watch every move the monkeys in front of them made. Peeta and Phoenix turned their heads in every direction to see the different pairs of eyes on them, watching the monkeys as they begin surrounding them. " You gotta be kidding me. " Phoenix sighs before forming a circle with the group, each person watching a different side. 

With knives in both of her hands, Phoenix braces herself for the mutt attack that awaits all four of them. " Get to the beach. " Katniss mutters, knowing that the jungle is not safe anymore. The mutt suddenly began jumping at the alliance, coming at them from every direction. 

Phoenix watched as one of the monkeys jumped straight towards her. She wasted no time, throwing a knife straight into the mutts chest, killing it instantly. She thanked herself for saving most of her knives, part of her forgetting Finnick was still holding onto more for her. 

Reaching back into her belt she pulls out another one of her knives, throwing them at the mutts that are blocking the pathway towards the beach. Phoenix throws knife after knife, trying to kill as many of the Capital built mutts that come their way. 

Out the corner of her eye, Phoenix watches a mutt jump directly onto Katniss, knocking her straight into the water.  " Katniss! " Phoenix yells watching the girl struggle from under the water. Phoenix ran towards the struggling Katniss, dodging the mutts that began coming after her. With her knife in hand, Phoenix stabs the mutt straight through the head, watching it go limp on top of Katniss. 

Pulling out her knife, Phoenix throws the monkey off Katniss before wrapping her hands around the girl's arm, pulling her out of the water. Phoenix helps the girl out of the now slightly bloodied water, helping her to her feet. " We gotta get to the beach! " Peeta screamed as he passed up Phoenix to get to Katniss. With Katniss and Peeta leading the alliance to the beach, they tried to fight off all the mutts, yet feeling like they were endless. 

Phoenix and Finnick had their backs against the others, killing any mutt that was in their way. Phoenix noticed the mutts beginning to separating them from Katniss and Peeta. As the more distance got between them, the more worried Phoenix got. She knew she wouldn't be able to guarantee the safety of the two and knew she and Finnick needed to do everything in order to make it back to them. 

" Finnick! " Phoenix called out, her tone of voice quickly getting the attention of Finnick." I can't get to them! " Phoenix yelled out to him, watching concern set into his face as he finally realized how much the mutts were separating them from Katniss and Peeta. Finnick runs past Phoenix, his triton swinging in every direction. " Cover me! " He calls out before killing a mutt that had been after Katniss.

Phoenix and Finnick begin to fight off the rest of the mutts while trying to make their way back to the beach. With Phoenix and her knives and Finnick with his triton, they safely make their way to the end of the jungle, with the mutts close behind them. Phoenix sees the light from the beach and throws herself onto the sand. A cannon goes off shortly after her body hit the sand, with the mutts retreating back into the jungle once the cannon goes off

Shooting to her feet at the sound of the cannon, Phoenix looks around for Katniss and Peeta. With her body facing the two, making sure the cannon wasn't for them. Phoenix lets out a sigh of relief when she realized the two are both alive. Looking closer she sees them looking down at a limp body in the water. 

Finnick walks next to Phoenix, out of breath but still wanting to see what the girl was looking at. " You see that? " Phoenix says, finally realizing who Katniss and Peeta were holding. "It's the morphling. " Phoenix sighed, watching them watch the woman's limp body begin to float farther into the water. 

Both Phoenix and Finnick knew that tributes from District 6, who were once in on the plan, were now dead. " Did she? " Phoenix asked, her voice low in order for Katniss and Peeta not to hear. Finnick said nothing, only nodding his head in confirmation, having seen them begin to carry her body to the beach.

 Finnick wrapped an arm around Phoenix, pulling her close to him before pressing a kiss onto Phoenix's head. They watched as the hovercraft finally came into view, before picking the morphling up and disappearing into the sky without a trace.

This is when it all began to set in with Phoenix and Finnick. The two now knowing they had to carry on the revolution. Especially for those who wouldn't be able to see it through. People like Mags, or the female morphling, who both sacrificed themself for the revolution. 

The alliance watched in silence as the sunset began to take over the sky. " We need to eat. " Finnick said, reminding them of their hunger they were all trying to repress. "  I should be able to catch us some fish. " Finnick added, breaking the somber silence and bringing the 3 other tributes back to the reality of the games. Katniss and Peeta only nodded, but Phoenix looked at him, causing his arm to slip off of her shoulder.  

" Do you need any help? I can make a mean fishhook. " A slight smile spread onto Finnicks face at her words. He then thought back to Mags teaching Phoenix how to make a fishhook only days ago. Yet he shook his head, knowing she only wanted to help but needing a moment to himself. " I got it, I need a bit of a distraction. You go rest. " 

The tone in his voice was somber as he cupped Phoenix's cheek. Phoenix nodded, knowing he needed time alone to mourne what had happened to Mags. Someone who had meant so much to him for so long, now gone. She sighs, wrapping her hand around Finnick's wrist and placing a soft kiss on the palm of his hand, before sitting herself down on the sand next to Katniss. 

Phoenix watched the sun come up on the arena, trying to calm herself down from what had happened throughout the night. From losing Mags in the poisonous fog to almost getting killed by the mutts. Phoenix was already so exhausted and it had only been the first full day of the games.

Once Finnick came back with an abundance of fish the alliance began eating the raw fish in silence. " For you. " Peeta said to Katniss, finally breaking the silence. Phoenix turned her head to the boy next to her and watched him hold out a small white pearl for Katniss. Finnick and Phoenix watched Katniss thank the boy once she took the pearl into her hand. A slight smile spreading onto Phoenix's face at the gesture.

Before Katniss could say anything else to Peeta the sound of screaming makes all they're heads turn to the other side of the island. "That's new " Peeta muttered as the four of them throw down their food. Standing up from the sand Phoenix's eyes widened as she watched a tsunami come crashing down on the jungle across from them.  

The wave came crashing through the jungle trees, resulting in a cannon going off. The alliance watched the hovercraft come into view before picking up the dead tribute. Phoenix shook her head at the sight in front of her. She thought to herself about the desperation the GameMakers must feel to be trying to kill off as many tributes as they could on their own. 

" Someone's here. " Katniss warned, before taking out her bow. The others waste no time arming themselves for the unknown threat. Once the voice hit her ears a wide smile spread onto Phoenix's face as her eyes widened. She immediately recognized the distance voice, knowing that it was no threat to the alliance at all. 

But only Johanna Mason.

𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐄𝐍𝐈𝐗 𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐆 -  Finnick OdairΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα