Chapter 7

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My thinking is interrupted by a man entering the apartment, full of rage. He turns his head in my direction and glances at me, his eyes full of hate.

"You bitch, who do you think you are ? Hurting my baby brother like that ? You may be his mate but it won't keep me away from hurting you so bad you'll wish you'll die. You should have been attached to the bed and be submissive to your mate who cares for your pathetic life."

As he roars this last sentence, he approaches me, a murderous look on his face. I can tell he is more than willing to kill me !

The door suddenly opens, revealing a young woman, quite short, but there is something about her that reassures me. Maybe her motherly look or the fact that she is in comfy clothes. The monster in front of me stops for a second surprised by the spectacular entry of the new-comer.

"Euh... Excuse me, I was walking in this corridor a few minutes ago  and I dropped some papers. If you see them could you return it to me please ? There's my name written on it. It's Amelia Oraia."

I am about to answer her when the soon-to-be killer turns over at the speed of light and runs to this girl as known as Amelia. They hug for quite some time like someone want to separate them and just when I thought they're were going to stop they start kissing deseperatly. And they keep going for a few minutes while groaning "mate". I am not a huge fan of PDA... 

Well, that was unexpected. As the scene got hotter and hotter, Ael suddenly enters the room. He stops for a moment in front of the new couple, looks at me sadly but hides it quickly and looks away.

A few seconds later, the monstrous brother and my savior leave the cabin. Just before going out, he scowls at me and then gently smiles at Ael before turning his glare to his lovely girlfriend. 

Silence fills up the air. The atmosphere is cold and oppressive even though the room is hot. Each second passing makes my body temperature go higher because of the shame and guilt. A shiver goes down my spine as Ael starts to speak.

"Sorry about that. My brother is...a little overprotective you know. He is very caring but he can be quite harsh sometimes. I'm really glad he found his mate. He was the only one of his age to be mateless. It's really important for us Matters to find our mates." say shyly Ael.

My throat is as dry as the Sahara right now. I feel like dying.

Ael moves around and starts looking for something in the wardrobe near the door. He turns over holding my backpack. How did he get it ? Maybe my mom gave it to him. Or did he steal it?

He stops seven feet away from me and gently tosses me the backpack.

"It's yours. You can decorate the cabin if you want. Settle down. Don't worry I won't bother you. I'll just sit on the couch and read."

Faithful to his words, he sits on the same couch I used before.

For a couple minutes I stayed there dumbfounded before starting to check the bag. It contains my favorite blanket, my sloth plushie, my phone with the charger and headphones, some clothes, sweets and books. In the small pocket I find a letter. That's weird I don't remember writing a letter. I think it's easier to write on a phone: it's safer, the ink won't fade throughout the years and it's protected from dirt. Anyways, curious, I open it.

It seems to be my mom's writing. My intuition was correct. My mom did pack the bag. Let's see what she wrote.

"If you read this letter it means you're no longer on Earth with us. Please honey don't be sad. You know I'm really happy for you: you were luckier than I was. You will find true love.

Once I saw something that changed drastically my opinion of Matters. I didn't tell you nor did I tell your father about this. I mean if I had told you this you would've never believed me, stubborn that you are. I was walking in the mall one day, looking for a gift for your dad's birthday, and I saw a Matter taking a girl away. He looked so kind, so in love with her and so caring. That was at this moment I realized it was a real chance to be loved by one of these creatures. They are only happy when their mate is happy and live only for them. People say that they are monsters. But their behaviour shows that they are even more human than we are. We kill, rape, steal and torture. They don't. They are a community. They live off simple things whereas we, the capitalists, care only for money. We always want more of it. We want to be rich, to live sumptuously. Real life is about relationships, not about profit.

I hope you'll be happy. Never forget that your mate's first goal is your well-being and your happiness. Give him a chance. Give him a possibility to live and to be happy, for once.

I love you with all my heart and soul,

Your mom."

My mom is always right. But this time I wonder: is she really right or only partially ?


Hi guys we hope you had a good week. The good news of the week : we've reached 100 views (happy dance)!!!!. It means a lot for us that you're so many to read our story. It makes us want to improve even more.

 In order to do so, we need your help. We can see in our stats that some of you stop reading in the middle of the story. However we would like to understand why and to improve our weaknesses 

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Anyway, we are very very very very happy to see that our book is read by so many people! (we know, we are rambling a bit)

See you next week! :) 


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