Chapter 23

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But my irritated face quickly morphes in one of concern at the sight of Ael running like crazy.

As I stop walking, he hugs me tightly, as though I was about to disappear. It is quite strange considering our current relationship but I don't mind at all. His arms are so warm, so cozy that it makes me want to sleep.

Embracing your loved ones is simply the best feeling ever. It helps communicating and can mean far more than mere words.

A sudden sleepiness takes over me. I feel like my eyelids are getting heavier by the second and I feel myself crumbling into Ael's clutch. I try to hold on something to keep myself awake. But as you all surely know, getting rid of the tiredness is impossible.

If I close my eyes for two seconds, it will be fine right ? Then I will just rest for a while and drink some coffee when I wake up.

Hmm... I don't want to go away from Ael's heat. He is so comfy. His comfort is something I didn't know I needed after these exhausting weeks. My mind is so full of useless preoccupations. I just want to stop thinking.

I slowly close my eyes, listening to his fast heartbeat. Why is it so fast ? Why do I keep on hearing distant voices ? Why can't people leave me alone with him ? Just when we were finally getting somewhere.

I want to do... what I want... And I simply want... to... sleep.

My alarm is ringing again. I look around me and understand that the last thing I remembered was only a dream. I thought I was getting closer to Ael when I've not moved from my room. Our room. But I don't remember having so many wires in here. It's such a mess. And I don't understand.

Let's see for how long I've slept. I hope I didn't oversleep !

As I stand up, I start to feel dizzy. The entire room is spinning, there not a single thing I can hold on to. In an attempt to protect myself, I put my hands on my face as if I tried to shield it from the sun. My eyes hurt, they seem to be constantly rolling backwards. I want to vomit.

I try to let this strange feeling leave my body and carefully open my eyes, afraid to be dizzy again. I glance at the clock and my face crumples.

The clock must be broken because there is no way I went back in time !

I take another look. We're currently the 7th. But weren't we the 27th when I went to sleep ? Nothing is making sense.

What's wrong with me ? Think Athanasia ! Think ! And understand the goddamn situation !

I cautiously sit on my bed. The sleepiness hasn't left me yet. In order to shake myself up, I rub my face, closing my eyes for a split second.

"Worst decision" I think as I feel myself disappearing in the dark hole of sleep.

The sense of deja-vu is back again. I partially open my eyes. But what I glimpse makes them open widely.

Was all this alien story just a dream ?

Why am I back in my room, on Earth ?

It looks so real.


It is real ! It should be ! It has to !

My mother must be busy cooking ! I've missed her so much !

This dream seemed to be true and was so long. I feel like I've slept for a whole eternity !

Despite the dizziness invading my body, I abruptly stand up and push the covers back.

I am home !

But as I get up, I suddenly come face to face with the floor. I feel so weak...

There's a little voice in the back of my mind that keeps on telling me it's nothing but a mere illusion.

I ignore it and get on my feet again.

Here I come !

I open the door of the room widely just to encounter the blank corridors of the spaceship.

Where the hell am I ? Am I back in my imagination ?

I cannot think further as I faint... again.

As I regain consciousness, I start hearing voices. This time I don't want to open my eyes. I don't want to be disappointed. Not another time.

Where is Ael ? I want to be with him. I want him to reassure me, to tell me what happened and what is happening.

But the more I waited, the more I got bored and so I decided to listen to the mysterious voices.

"So, you're saying that we have to stay there ? But what about our mission ?" says an unknown voice.

What does he mean ? What mission ?

"We already told them. They're on their way with another one for the ones left alone." responds another unfamiliar voice

Who is coming ? What happened while I was sleeping ? Why do all the interesting things happen the only time I am not able to see them ?

"Why didn't the scientists look any further ? We almost lost her because of their bad work !"

Did they just change the subject ?

"Calm down Ael. At least, she is alive and you'll be able to live with her forever. It will just not be here."

Are they talking about me ? If yes, it means I am alive. Unless death feels like this.

To be sure, I have to open my eyes. But do I want to ? After hearing their little dialogue, I have a terrible foreboding. Yet, I would love to have an update on the situation. So let's be brave, for once, and open these goddamn eyes !

"Look ! She's waking up !"

That's right bitches ! I am back in the game, more than ready to get answers. My eyes open, for what feels like the millionth time, and immediately get caught in Ael's passionate gaze.

"Hey..." I say, shyly.

I was prepared for any reaction but did not expect him to burst into tears, like a giant baby. I have the feeling that whatever happened, it is nothing great for me.

"I am so relieved to see your beautiful eyes ! You were deadly pale during all these months ! You truly were dead ! You were a mere soulless body !" He sobs uncontrollably

"I thought that the center of my universe had left me alone in this vast galaxy." He murmurs inaudibly.

After an hour of apologies, when he kept on repeating I was dead and how terrible he felt while I champed at the bit, he finally decided to explain everything, from A to Z.

An awkward silence settles. Ael scratches the back of his head, then takes my head and squeezes it hard.

He inhales deeply and slowly and begins what I feel will be a long monologue.


Hi guys ! Things get a little spicier don't they ? What do you think is happening to Anathasia ? What was this weird thing about her waking up in her room on Earth ? 

We've already spread a few clues about the ending of the story: so what will happen to our two lovebirds ? Will they be able to have their happily ever after ? Or will something prevent them from that ? Let us know about what you think !

Lots of love, 


(P.S: We're really excited as we get more and more readers every day. We're currently at 3.4K views, which is just mind blowing for us !)

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