Chapter 14

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The next day, I wake up in a cold room. The problem doesn't come from the temperature but from the bareness of the room. And I admit it Ael's absence makes the room even less welcoming. I go out of the bed and start looking for him. God knows where he is and what he is doing. Is he still angry at me ?

Since my only source of distraction isn't there, I lay on the bed and stare at the ceiling. Which is boring to death. Wait. I know what to do ! I'm going to decorate the room. It will surely please Ael and the room will finally stop being so gloomy. First I decide to put a bouquet of flowers in a pretty vase on a dresser stuck to the wall because of the depressing painting hung above it. The flowers brighten up the room and draw attention. But...I still feel like it's not enough. The small table is in plastic and seems very fragile, the couch is on the verge of collapsing and its seat is made out of a hard and thin imitation leather.
To customize the room, I need a couple of things and there is nothing here. So let's go outside to do some shopping.

I put some random clothes on and venture outside. I notice right away that everybody has a pretty and colorful doorbell whereas ours is... just white.
The ship looks enormous so I'll just go to the shops near the apartment. While walking I come across a small shop selling lots of DIY items. I take some paint and a couple of brushes. At the time of paying, I suddenly realize that I have no money. But the owner says that it's not a problem and that he will put this on my mate's bill. Curiously he seems to know him quite well. It's quite weird since there is nothing artistic in the apartment apart from the frightening painting. As I go out of the store I bump into someone I didn't particularly want to see. Amelia. If she's here it means her mate, in other words Tyaron, isn't far.
"Hey ! You're my sister-in-law aren't you ?"
"Yes it's me..." I reply shyly
"I don't know how I can thank you for helping me to find my mate. Thank you. Thank you so much."
"You're welcome."
"By the way, what are you doing here ? I heard that Ael and you don't really get along."
"I'm just buying some stuff to decorate our home."

And just like that we end up shopping together. Amelia, who happens to be very talkative, shows me around a multitude of shops. She is quite funny but never stops talking. I eventually just nod whenever she talks. When she finally lets me talk, it's just to tell her how I knew her name.

We buy a couple of towels, tablecloths and cushions, another vase, flowers, a light bulb filled with fake plants looking like seaweed and a glass coffee table. All I've got left to do is setting everything up. I hope that all the changes and purchasing won't bother him. We're so exhausted that Amelia drags me to what she calls "the greatest coffee shop of the ship". As we sat, I noticed that every body doesn't look like a human. In fact some have a blue skin, some rainbowl like eyes... Everybody is different here. I remembered that in the news they were saying that the matters are very weird as when they are born, they can have different features then their family. I don't know if I told you about it before, but your mate is physically your type: if you absolutely love men with blue eyes, purple hair and grey skintone, your mate will have this feature. So, for my case, Ael is my ideal man. But for Amelia, her ideal man is someone who posseses red eyes, tan skin and black hair with dark blue nails. And Tyaron is like this. On earth, you would have never guessed that Ael and Tyaron are siblings!

She ordered two marshmallow milkshakes. To be honest, I didn't expect it to taste this good. We are enjoying our drinks when Amelia's face suddenly lits up.
"Tyaron ! Over here !" She screams at the top of her lungs while waving her arms.
I sink into my chair wanting nothing but to melt into it. I'm screwed. The man simply hates my guts.
He sits near Amelia and embraces her.
"I hope I don't bother you my dear mate."
She blushes hard and hides her face in his torso as he starts playing with her hair. Fortunately for me, he hasn't seen me yet.
A hand suddenly lands on my shoulder causing my head to make a 180-degree turn and to meet Ael's eyes.
"I bought some stuff to decorate the apartment: paint, brushes, towels, tablecloths, a vase, flowers and some furniture. I'm sorry I used your money without asking." I quickly say before he opens his mouth.
Ael cuts off my tirade and smiles.
"It's okay. It's your money now and it makes me happy that you want to redecorate. I have one question though. What do you plan to do with the painting ?"
"I want to paint the doorbell." I answer confident.

Hi guys! So here's the new chapter. As you can see it's a bit longer than last week's. We hope you liked it.
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