Chapter 15

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As I finish my sentence, all the people in the coffee shop gather and congratulate me. Their squawking is giving me a hell of a headache. There are too many people. Too many voices, hands, smiles. It's overwhelming. All these people's perfumes mix together and irritate my nose. All the colors mix together and blind me. Everything is blurry. I'm trembling and I feel like my soul is leaving my body. I don't know where to go, where to hide, who to go to. What on earth is happening ?

I confusedly perceive the presence of Ael's hand in by back pushing me towards the crowd. Is he trying to kill me ? I soon get an answer to my question when I notice that people are getting out of our way. He is freeing me from the crowd. Right now all I think about is staying close to Ael. At this very moment he is my rock, my light, my savior. As we get away, I'm suddenly filled calmness. I feel safe. My pale face and my continuing shudder make me look insane. I know it since I can see my reflection in the corridor's window. The contemplation of myself causes me to forget my environment. I don't feel Ael's calming hands anymore. I'm pulled out of my transe when my eyes meet the worried look of my alien. I smile sweetly at him and for once it's a genuine smile. He is a real gentleman, my knight in shining armor.

"Athanasia. Athanasia ! What's going on ? Are you hurt ? Please answer me !"

Seeing his distress, I force myself to answer.

"I'm fine. A bit shaken up as you can see but I'm fine. Can we go back to the apartment ?"

We slowly go home. It's extraordinary to see how secure I now feel in there with Ael by my side.
While I'm sitting on the uncomfortable couch, he brings me a cup filled with something that looks like hot chocolate.

"Drink it. You'll feel better after." He hastens to say

It's delicious. Almost as sweet and comforting as him.
Hi guys! We hope that you're all fine wherever you are and that you're enjoying your holidays.
Since today's chapter is short we'll post another one on Thursday.
Lots of love,

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