The last minute thoughts

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Raghav's POV:

The Udida Muhurtu (ritual where parents, sisters, married aunties make the groom and bride grind whole Urad daal (black gram) signifying to teach the nitty gritty's of not just kitchen but also life and also help each other when needed with blessings from near and dear ones) was going by one either cousins or aunties came to grind the black gram with Raghav but he looked like in some sort of a trans...
There were ladies chatting, loud sexophone being played, priest saying sthotra and rituals explained but Raghav was grinding the traditional hand grinder mechanically inclined in his thoughts...he could only hear kharr..........kharrr.......... of the grinder while he was thinking about his life going to change in next few hours

I was so happy a week ago ...
Now I have no idea what is happening...

I feel like I'm into a grind.

I still can't believe Aditi said No ...

She said no after saying yes...

After the Phool Malche ..

After wedding cards were printed...

She just met me once and said I'm not her type...

That she ....she love...loves my younger brother...

And Naman...that idiot never told me once...

He thought of sacrificing his happiness for me... Stupid fellow... He's my life...

My best friend before Radhika...

And that dumb guy tried hiding from me...

But Aditi being bold enough confessed the truth...

Naman is indeed a lucky guy... He's marrying the love of his life...

And I... Ummm... Guess as usual is just....

Huhhh... Girls never usually liked me...

I was rejected once in college too ...

But Radhika my bestie and Naman convinced me she wasn't good enough for me...

But the fact was... I was a bore...

I know I'm not a cool guy...I'm not a charmer... But ... I also have a heart...

I may look like a snob...but I have a heart too...

I may not be the giggling laughing chirpy kind but I always got attracted to such women who could communicate freely maybe coz I lack the quality and see it in my partner...

Aditi was the one whom I liked after my college crush Vedika...

I still can't forget I saw Aditi the first time at Radhika's wedding...I hate weddings, crowded places...but it was Radhika's wedding hence I couldn't avoid it...She was my only best friend since childhood...I had to attend it...

I was there only to wish Radhi and leave... While sitting in the wedding hall I heard a loud laughter from the stage... I happened to notice a girl in pink lehenga choli ...tall about 5.7 ... beautiful like moon... Laughing out loud...her laughter was infectious...the dias was way too far from me as I sat in the 4th row but I had a big grin on my face automatically ... I kept looking at this beautiful girl who was making fun of Radhika and her husband, cracking jokes making everyone laugh, helping old aunties walk down the dias and fighting for chocolate with her girl gang... She made me awestruck in a few minutes...while my mom saw my stupid smiling face and said

'She is my college friend Shalini's daughter... she is pretty isn't she...' to which I nodded my head and smiled... While mom asked me if we should ask her proposal for me and I just nodded a no to mom thinking it's too fast...

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