Smelling her breathe

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Raghav's POV:

I finished checking all my emails and also had a conversation with our Goa client and promised them that I will be personally coming there to sign the deal.

I always wanted to have a beach sided resort...and what better than Goa...I was extremely excited that we cracked this deal but I also noticed this wasn't moving ahead very fast... maybe because Naman is a bit more polite and patient and deals with things calm and composed where as when it's business I'm a bit aggressive. I have been handling this for 8 years now. I know how desperate are our rivals to get this deal into their kitty...I won't let that happen... At times you need to be aggressive too just to make sure your client or rivals doesn't try to over power your planning.

I was planning to take a flight to Goa on Sunday night as that would be faster than by road.

I was heart felt light...not just because of this deal .. maybe because of being honest to mom and Naman... I spoke to them whole heartedly after a while. I'm not pretending to be happy they know this wedding is an arranged affair and we need our own share of time to understand each other... specially Siya... Mom understood and she agreed to call up the travel agency to cancel the honeymoon trip. My mind was calm now. I was smiling. Maybe marrying her wasn't that bad idea after all I thought and a smile played on my lips.

I was thinking about her. wife.


She is understanding, honest, matured and beautiful.

Beautiful inside out. I thought.

Soon I saw it was almost going to be 11... I need to take a quick shower... I took a long shower...when hot drops of water fell on my hard chest, abs and head ...I felt good... But everytime I closed my eyes...I saw her face.

I opened my eyes at once thinking...this is too much... I only know her for last 4 can I have this much impact of hers ... Soon I finished my shower and went to look for my bathrobe which was missing. But the towel was there. I tied it around my waist when suddenly the moment I had with Siya crossed my thoughts....

Yesterday when she offered me clothes sent by mom to be worn at Satyanarayana pooja..that moment...the eye lock we shared near the changing room's door. Her beautiful brown orbs 😍 her pink cheeks....her plump lips... Stop!!!! What's wrong with you Raghav... She's just married to you for last 72 hours and you are... Enough...

I lectured my crazy brain having the unnecesarry androgenic reactions and walked out of the shower...wore my blue denims but suddenly I received a phone call from office...just while I finished talking I heard the bedroom door knob click...

I turned around to see Siya...

Hadn't she left like some 2 hours back...she's come this soon I was still in my thoughts while I heard her scream like a maniac

'What the hell do you think of yourself...'

I was shocked... I could see her cheeks were turning red...her eyes were red ...she cried??? I was confused...

'Answer me Mr Raghav Prabhu...who the hell do you think you are... I thought you'll understand but you are still behind pleasing this world'

I wasn't understanding what she was talking about and why is she so angry...

I tried to intervene 'Siya what happe'

And she cut me again

'I told you I hate this...I don't want to be a trophy's not about you alone...I don't like to look like a fool Mr Prabhu... Please understand...I'm not here to pretend to be your arm candy...I am an independent working individual and what the hell do you want to prove to the world???why in the world did you think I won't object to this? Answer me???' she blasted

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