New Beginnings and old Connections

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Raghav's POV:

We took a cab for our trip today as I didn't want to take any risk with Siya's leg.

Finally we went to our Kuladevata's temples...Goddess Mahalasa Narayani Temple in Mardol which is Siya's kuladevi and Lord Shri Devaki Krishna Ravalnatha temple at Marcel which is my Kuladevata...🙏and completed the ritual of Varbhetha...
We spoke to our family priest who understood the situation and helped us complete the rituals...
Then we had the invitation card blessed and we also invited our family priest who blessed us and promised us to attend the wedding.

Now we were sitting in the cab and Siya was curious as to where next...

'Back to Resort' I said..

Her happy face went to a puppy face...
Though she looked cute😍

'Sorry Mam...with your ankle still recovering ..we aren't going anywhere' I told her

'But it's only 10 am in morning Raghav...there is an entire dayyyyy' she pouted...

Trying to look cute ahhh😍 I wanted to ask mind replied...
'That she default is....' 😋

'But Raghav please.....I don't want to go home like this....we are in Gooooa' she tried again...

'Siya with that leg we are supposed to travel back home in my motorcycle tomorrow...which means if this won't heal by tonight... tomorrow you may end up in extreme pain... I can't let that no arguments....we are going back to resort' I told her firmly...

She felt bad probably because after this the next 1 hour journey back to our resort was complete pin drop silence.

We reached the resort...I offered her my hand to get down but she chose to limp all by herself...

It irked me... She was now acting like a 5 year old.

'Siya...stop.... Please understand... Look at your leg... why don't you understand' I told her...

'Mr Prabhu please... I told you I'm's a normal sprain...stop overreacting... I know we came here for sheer business purpose...I forgot...I'm sorry...let's leave post need to wait for tomorrow' she yelled..

I held her by her forearms...
'Siya are over reacting... I just.... I was just worried about your ankle' I told her...

I saw her fold her hands against her chest and frown...

I gave up.

'Fine... We will go...but it will all be my way....and yup just the nearby market and beach...and you will let me know when your ankle will pain' I warned her.

She pouted and finally let a beautiful smile slip her lips... 😊

Finally baby dragon🐉is happy 🙏

We weren't hungry as we ate the breakfast in I decided to take her to the beach opposite to the resort right away...

I quickly carried her in bridal style

'Raghav...leave me...I can walk...I'm fine' I heard her struggle in my arms...

I laughed at her antiques...

'Siya...I warned'll be my my way is carrying you everywhere 😬😋' I winked 😉 at her...

'Raghav are you can't take me to market like this... It's embarassing and also I have to go to a designer shop to collect Aditi's engagement dress...we can't travel like this... please put me down...fine I'll agree to everything... yesterday night already most the resort has seen you carry me... God ... the receptionist was still giggling at me today morning 🤐🙄... No more Bollywood romance please' she told...

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