oooo. postlude

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A U T H O R' S  L A S T  N O T E

Firstly, I wanna say thank you so much for reading this book. It was a last minute idea to write it while i was writing Treacherous and I have to say that this book is going to stick with me forever.

I relate to Presley on so many levels, that's why her character will always be one of my favorites. I know authors basically have this unspoken rule not to create characters that resemble themselves, so I have to say that it took everything in me to write Presley.

At first, I had no idea where her character would be going. I just had this vague outline of her being anti-social and someone who doesn't like attachments because of her condition. And then along the way, she just — started to become so real with so much life in her character.

Like I said before, we both aren't fond of happily ever afters. But honestly, secretly, we do and I think that's very masochist lmfaoo.

Like Presley, I have suffered from anxiety and panic attacks. I don't talk much about my life on here since I recently got rid of my writer's block, but yes I have gone through that feeling of wanting to hold on to someone and stay grounded.

If anyone asks, yes I had a Neil.

So basically this story is so personal to me because most of it are kind of based on what I've experienced. Minus the dying part skks

I could also relate to Neil on how to have strict parents, who forbid us from doing stuff we wanna do, tho Mr. Perry is even worse so I can't argue with that. But mostly, we are kind of the same.

For those who have gone through anxiety or depression, I just wanna say that I've been there too. But I never really labeled myself as depressed. I've been criticized, bullied, disregarded. I've been there, and I have been a therapist to my friends despite that fact.

But please please take in mind that things will get better, even if it may not seem like it.

A word from me, I want to tell you that you are not in any way alone. There will always be those people who are willing to listen and appreciate you. Your feelings are valid and no one can tell you otherwise.

In my experience, I took the time to take care of myself and distance myself away from the main problem — and quarantine really helped. I don't know if it would work for you either, but it is important to stop for a moment, and take a deep breath, then exhale.

The whole point of this is that I want to tell you that you're not alone, and you won't be. I appreciate you the way you are, and if you would want someone to talk to, i'm always up for that.

For those who have made it till the very end, please please don't go back and comment in the chapters any kind of spoiler, it'll ruin the story for the other readers.

So once again, thank you so much for reading, this has been an emotional rollercoaster
I hope you enjoyed reading <3

Xuan xx

p.s. what do you think about a separate story based on icarus perry and natalia anderson?

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