1. christmas party

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♡liked by cecetheballer, chrisevans, and 234k others

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♡liked by cecetheballer, chrisevans, and 234k others

chargreg little early, but Christmas celebrations are a-go

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username okay white girl !!

username when is season 3 coming out???

username i love you!!!

username guys let this be the year charlotte gets a man!!
chargreg re mf tweet baby!
username get that celebrity dating app!
username yeah i'm sure celebrities are more mature than regular guys your age
chargreg HA!

aishadee is that MY finger very blurry in the corner there??? ✋😭
username MY GIRL!!!!
chargreg yes, i purposefully blurred out your finger
username we love to see it!
cecetheballer i see myself 🙈
aishadee good for u 🐷😪🤮🤟
chargreg oof those emoji choices are SHADY
aishadee i did in fact play a tree in the wizard of oz when i was but a little girl
username y'all have got to be either most annoying people ever or the funniest. no in between.
chargreg people do love to come to my house for celebrations. but they tend to bring people idfk so I get annoyed by THEM
username like who? 
cecetheballer 😏
username ☕️

DECEMBER 19, 2017

charlotte rolled her glassy eyes around in their sockets, mouth parted just so the champagne flute in her left hand would fit perfectly between her lips. she swallowed, cradled the glass beside her hip, and crossed her other arm over her chest. she felt more annoyed as the sparkles on her stupid party dress irritated her forearm.

the music was loud as hell, which was usually her favorite part about parties. however, whoever had helped her set up had chosen 2017 hits. sometimes this wouldn't bother her, but charlotte  felt that this years selection of music was awful. and overplayed.

maybe she'd just spent more time in her car than usual, but she swore she had heard shape of you more times than she could count. plus, that first part wasn't that true, right? she'd spent the first seven months of 2017 shooting for the bold type and, sporadically, interviewed and travelled for said interviews for the last five.

maybe she was just not drunk enough.

charlotte fought the urge to flick on the 1975 or, her guilty pleasure, one direction, and shuffled over to her kitchen counter, which was stock full of alcohol.

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