4. marlie

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Charlotte Gregor | @chgregor
I'm at a café with @kirstenvangsness support your local, black, business owners!!!
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username Go white girl, go

username the duo we never knew we needed

username gonna need lots of pictures of this...for science

username two people i never expected to ever interact what

username honestly charlotte and the criminal minds cast being friends?? yes.

ajcook wow?? a cafe date without me??? absolute mockery.
ceceballing i wasn't there either. let's fight them together.
gublernation better yet, let's plan an extravagant dinner and not invite either of them.
chgregor well kirstin and i were discussing a get together for all of us but i guess that's not gonna be a thing...
ceceballing ...we'll see.
gublernation i take it back, i wanna come

username i would also like to be invited^

username i kNOW it just started but i ship matthew and charlotte 👀
username you and i call dibs rn before fake fans hop on the train later
username gube does deserve a woman. like he is such husband material and he gets nothing ever
username what if he secretly is married
username oh it's definitely canon that if he had any type of s/o, he would post about them NONSTOP
user26 #marlie

"oh, my gosh!" charlotte exclaimed, setting her phone down on the table and pushing it away from her.

kirsten had been in the bathroom while charlotte was treating. she say back down as the younger women sighed.

"what's up?" she smiled, though her eyes were confused.

charlotte laughed, "my twitter is blowing up."

"we're so famous," kirstin flipped her hair behind her shoulder in exaggerated flaunting. "what're people saying?"

charlotte shrugged, "not even sure. aj, cece, and matthew are complaining that we didn't invite them. and a whole other mass of people morphed mine and matthew's names together."

kirstin reached into her handbag and pulled out her iphone. "i have to see this."

charlotte twirled her straw between her fingers. she leaned her head against her fist, elbow propped up on the table.

"marlie," she spoke, brows furrowed.

kirstin looked up from her phone with a similar expression, "what?"

"marlie. that's the name," charlotte giggled, "sorry. sometimes i just say stuff."

"oh, me, too. don't worry." kirstin scroller and her eyes scanned that section of comments. "at least they're not calling you chatthew."

charlotte snorted, immediately covering her mouth with her hand that wasn't fumbling with her cup. she recovered from her laugh and crinkled her nose with a light smile. "that's awful."

kirstin mocked the expression as she read it. "matthew does the same thing when he laughs. that's adorable."

charlotte blushed, rolling back her shoulders and sitting up. "you're making it sound like we should be soulmates."

"honestly, after one lunch date with you, i think you are. you're so similar, it's creepy," kirstin chuckled. she replied to aj's comment before locking her phone.

she tucked it in her purse as charlotte replied, "how so? besides facial expressions."

charlotte leaned back in her seat, bringing her drink to her lips before putting it back in it's ringlet of perspiration. it was too hot for coffee, so homemade raspberry lemonade is what she settled on. unashamedly, she was on her first refill minutes before their food came.

kirstin was sipping a sweet tea, although she had also ordered a smoothie to try. it was sitting, barely a quarter full after her stomach reached it's limit.

kirstin shrugged, "i don't really know. you're both just really nerdy, but you're definitely a lot quieter than him. but you have the same humor as him. you just say whatever pops into your head, obviously not as much as he does because you're less outgoing. uh, you, like, like the same things. like halloween and museums. plus, you're both like children, but you have such old souls. if you guys dated, you'd be the grandma and grandpa couple everyone adores."

charlotte listened intently, upper body pushing forward as kirstin spoke. she was mesmerized by every sentence, and blushing by the end.

"he sounds really amazing," charlotte spoke carefully, unsure on how to proceed.

kirstin stared at her as charlotte fumbled with her hands. charlotte glanced around the table and sighed.

"i'm gonna message him."

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