3. the biggest fool

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unknown number

Hey girl!!! This is Kirsten! 😊⭐️💖🌸

Hello!!!! 😁 How are you?

I'm wonderful! Yourself?

Good! Still finding random items from the party all over my house...

It's been two weeks omg!!!

It usually lasts this long 😂

I don't know how you always stand to be the host for every single shin dig ?!?!

My grandma was kinda famous for it and she gave me her house when she passed, so it's like a thing that's been passed down from her lol

So by chance, not by choice? 😅

I don't know if you could tell, but I'm not the host of the party type...
I can get trashed if it's somewhere else, but I hate having to be outgoing 🙈

I totally get that. Except I'm the complete opposite lmao

I got that from the other night

Sorry if I was a little overbearing !!

Not at all oh my gosh!!
You're wonderful ❤️
I need a crazy blonde to outweigh me

I'm your gal!!!

How's the whole cast? AJ, Aisha, Matthew??

They're good, too!!! We're all just taking some time because season 13 is halfway through it's airing right now.

We just finished filming for my new show right before New Year's, so I feel you all there !

The boredom is real, but I also love the peace and quiet

Ha yeah!!
My cast is pretty crazy, but y'all were just on another level 😂😂
I loved it, though

Well, the majority of us have all been together since day 1, which was ten years ago lol

That's true, so your energy is just, like, supreme. It's combined to this unnatural being 😂

I know nothing...🤫🤫🤫
They all loved you guys, too!! CeCe was amazing. I got her number and we've been messaging a little bit.

Oh maybe we can all get together again!

I'd love that! ❤️
Matthew thought you were cool, too

Oh did he?
I made a total fool of myself, though

Yeah he told us alllll about that interaction 😂😂
He's a silly dude, so he got a kick out of it
Plus, you literally can't make a fool out of yourself in front of him

He is the biggest fool, that's the vibes Im getting

Basically lmao

So he talked about me?

Yeah...why? 😏

Just wondering !!
Not for any reason other than curiosity lol

Mhm sureeeee

I'm telling the truth!!

I'm gonna nod my head, even though you can't see me
(And I don't think you're telling the truth)

I am!!!
Okay maybe I think he's cute and it's super flattering that he's talking about me

Oh gosh not just talking
He followed you on Instagram, Twitter, FaceBook, watched a few episodes of Faking It
I caught him watching one of your interviews
I thought it was slightly creepy but somewhat adorable

Omg what???? Thats so flattering I'm gonna cry!!!
Should I DM him?


I'm not gonna, never mind

Why not?!?!

I feel weird
I barely know him it's w e i r d

That's okay I don't want you to feel pressured either
How about we go get lunch? 🥰

Yes!! Sounds awesome to me. Where do you want to go??

Little Amsterdam Coffee Shop

I love that place!! Plus, they're black owned!

I know! I started going there because I wanted to support more POC

See you at 1?



reminder to support black owned businesses and sign all the petitions in this doc. black lives still matter.

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