Chapter 3

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Moments after he closed the door, someone knocked on the door.

A young woman entered the hotel room. It wasn't her that you truly noticed first, though.

It was a gigantic thing that was covered in a thick plastic cover. You didn't know there was an elevator. At least you supposed there was one now, as there was no way she could've brought the rack upstairs without killing at least three people.

"Yujin, do the best you can", he told her, before standing up and leaving the room.

You could've bet that there was no way she could've done your make-up and hair in under an hour, but Yujin quickly proved to be a professional. She didn't talk much, which was good, because you had no idea what to say if she talked about Jungkook.

Occasionally, she would comment on how good a certain color would suit you and that you should try that one day. It was good that she was so concentrated on her work, or else she would've noticed how your hand started shaking a little.

Until now, you were kind of numbed by the huge sum of money and the amazing job you would have, but as she was almost done with the last strand of hair, you began to think about what you had gotten yourself into.

And more importantly, what Hoseok was doing right now.

Yujin gave you a mirror and showed you how everything looked like from behind. She did mention that a very different look was planned for today, but then Jungkook wanted a more natural makeup. Probably because it took less time. Your hairstyle wasn't complicated, and it also looked fancy. Maybe not fancy enough to get married to a hot rich guy, but that should do.

She wanted to take pictures, but then she saw that there wasn't much time left, so she took her phone out and texted someone, then you waited.

Not long after that, two people came in and helped you get in the dress. It reached down to the floor, had the classical white color and flowery details. You were glad it wasn't as huge as it looked like when it was in the plastic cover.

More importantly, it looked expensive. Very expensive. You read the name of the brand on the plastic cover, and although you couldn't say much about it, it sounded like they would charge thousands just for a veil.

Speaking of a veil, that was also a change Jungkook had made in the past hour. He wanted you to wear a veil, which was good because you didn't want people to recognize you immediately.

As soon as you were ready, it was already later than planned. After Yujin left the room, you were left alone to wait.

You took the opportunity and as soon as you found your phone, you dialed Hoseok's number.

"Hey, what's up? Where are you?", he asked.


"Some guy told me that you had something to do and they send a replacement. Is everything alright?"

"Not really."

"What happened?" He sounded concerned.

"You won't believe it."

To your surprise, it took you about two minutes to give him a summary of your current situation.

"So you're in Jeon's hotel room right now?"


"And you're the bride?"


The line was quiet for a few moments.

"Holy fuck this sounds like a fever dream."

"Do you think it was a bad decision?"

"It wasn't a good one, that's for sure. But as long as he doesn't make you sign a contract about your safe words and what panties you have to wear, it's not a bad decision either."

"Hey! Stop talking like that, it's weird."

You could hear him laugh on the other end.

"What are you doing now, anyway? They told the guests it'll take a while longer because of a dress malfunction. Everyone is raiding the bar."

"I'm waiting. Jeon is supposed to bring me a contract - no, not that kind of contract - so he's sure I will keep my mouth shut. Wait, if they're all at the bar, why are you on the phone?"

"Because you're getting married? Also, I feel like the guy they sent as a replacement can deal with it. Speak of the devil, your future husband is going upstairs right now. We should hang up."

"Please tell me you're going to take photos. It's my first wedding."

"It might also be your last. If you do anything wrong, he'll toss you to the fishies."

"That's very encouraging!"

"You're welcome! Good luck."

He hung up. Just as you put your phone down, Jungkook entered the room.

"It's bad luck to see the bride in her dress before the wedding!"

He rolled his eyes. "It's not like this marriage is going to last longer than a week."

To be fair, he had a point.

"Here. I tried to keep it short so we're not too late for the wedding."

He handed you a folder.

"You call that short?", you mumbled.

He didn't respond to that.

You almost wanted to ignore it, like terms&conditions.

You opened the folder. Most of the pages were double. A copy for you, one for him. You skimmed the pages, looking out for subtext that implied you would be selling your soul to the devil, but everything he wrote was about the transaction of the money and the job, as well as a whole paragraph about you keeping the marriage confidential.

He gave you a pen. It was a simple blue gel-pen.

You signed the first two pages, then, as you were about to sign the last page, you decided to inform him about your phone-call with Hoseok.

"My friend already knows about everything. Just wanted you to know that in case you find it out later and want to sue me. I called him because I was worried."

He nodded. "Jung Hoseok, the barman, right?"


"It might be beneficial if he knows about this. I'm going to make sure he gets paid accordingly."

Now, this sounded promising. If Jeon Jungkook was about to pay for every little thing he could afford, you might make much more money than expected before the weekends.

You looked at Jungkook and at his brown doe-eyes, then you signed the last page. 

The 𝕸𝖆𝖗𝖗𝖎𝖆𝖌𝖊 Dilemma ║ 🄹🄹🄺Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat