Chapter 22

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You couldn't deny that you were growing a little anxious as the destination approached. Jungkook and you picked the plant on your way and were now only ten minutes away from his parent's home. 

"Stop tapping your heel like that, you're driving me insane," Jungkook finally burst. 

It was honestly a miracle he said that just now, as you realized you've been doing it already fifteen minutes ago. 

Maybe you were more than a little anxious. 

You had to get this meeting right. 

Shortly after, he pulled up in the driveway of a house. 

It had a nice garden and when considering the fact that this was still Seoul, it must've cost a ton. 

You got out of the car and he put an arm around your waist, pulling you closer. You noticed it was the first time he did so, but you didn't mention it. In his other hand, he was holding the small plant that was wrapped in thin paper.

"Just relax. It's gonna be fine. We just have to pretend for an hour, that's all."

You gulped. He guided you to the entrance and rang the bell. 

It took a few moments before someone opened, but when the door swung open, a man was standing in front of him. 

This must be his father. 

Mr. Jeon was about fifty but in great shape. He wore a shirt that made him look as professional as Jungkook and you immediately noticed that he had the same eyes as his father. 

"I was wondering when you two would arrive!", he exclaimed smiling. 

It was an odd contrast to his cold appearance. 

You bowed respectfully and he invited you in. 

After taking your shoes off and putting on slippers, Jungkook and you followed him into the living room. 

"Where is mom?", Jungkook asked while putting the plant down on a table.

"Right here", someone said. You looked at the staircase and saw the woman putting on her glasses. 

She pulled him into a hug and looked at you with a smile. 

"I am very glad to finally meet you, Y/N. Jungkook told me so many great things about you."

Oh did he? 

You couldn't help but look at him in disbelief. 

She laughed in response to your glance, probably thinking that you meant it as a joke. He took your hand demonstratively. 

You told her that you were equally as glad to meet his family. So far so good. They didn't hate you. 

"Jungkook, make yourself useful and help your father, would you?"

This was not in the script. 

He nodded, letting your hand go and following his father in the other room. 

His mother gestured you to sit on the couch, and on the little table in front of it laid a tea kettle and four handleless cups. 

You sat down and breathed through, trying to calm yourself. 

These weren't the parents of your actual husband. Even if you did do something wrong, you will never see them again. 

Not that this has worked before, you were still married to Jungkook after two weeks. 

After she sat down, she was about to take the kettle when you rushed to help her. 

You poured the tea, as is expected of you, and she gave you a polite smile. You took it as an encouragement that you passed the first test. 

"So tell me, how did my son and you meet?"

At his wedding. 

Of course, you didn't say that. Instead, you told her the exact blueprint of the story that Jungkook had told you before. 

You talked a little about how you weren't sure about all of this at first and how it turned out that you actually liked him. 

You could've vomited at your own words. 

His mother seemed to buy it for now. 

When Jungkook came back with his father, he seemed a little exhausted, like he had lifted something heavy or ran a lapse. He looked at the two of you for a moment, grasping that your little plan was still working and everything was going well and then he smiled. 

Those might be his parents that have known him for like... forever, but in the past two weeks, you have seen Jungkook in so many situations that you just knew this was the fakest smile he had to offer.

The next half hour everything went downhill. 

Okay, you were being overdramatic, but you weren't sure anymore that they didn't catch on to your lie. 

It was when they were talking about a memorable moment in Jungkook's childhood - one that was apparently also very personal - and he made the mistake of admitting he actually didn't tell you about this. 

The glance his mother gave her husband caught your eye. 

It was the surprised 'Oh no honey if she doesn't know this, what else does she not know?' type of look, but maybe you were too specific and it actually didn't mean anything.

Yet Jungkook saw it too and you noticed he was getting a little cautious about the things he talked about, trying not to bring up his private life - that you knew nothing about - too much. 

Finally, there was a moment of relief when his mother left the room to bring the plant upstairs and take care of it and his father followed her. 

Either he was uncomfortable being alone with you or they went upstairs to gossip. 

Jungkook let out a sigh as soon as they were out of range. 

"They're not fully buying it."

So your assumptions were right. 

He looked at you for a little too long, like he was considering whether he should open his mouth and say something. 

"What's wrong?", you made the mistake of asking. You also made the mistake of taking a sip of tea while he answered. 

"Kiss me."

It took you everything not to spit your tea out. Instead, you silently coughed and tried to calm yourself by gulping the entire cup down. 

"Excuse me, what was that?", you asked, hoping to have misheard him. 

He rolled his eyes. "Not like that. We just have to make them think we were making out. Just come closer," he said, skittering to get closer to you. You skittered away. 

He took your hand and pulled you towards him. 

"What are you doing?", you asked in confusion, ready to slap him in case he tried anything. 

"When they come back downstairs, it has to look like we were just making out. And then we break it off and act like it didn't happen."

"Isn't that just gonna look like we can't keep our hands off each other and-" 


You silently cursed. That actually made sense, dammit. 

"Just act a little embarrassed after we get caught and that's it."

Jungkook leaned his head closer to you until your foreheads were almost touching, but not quite. You could almost feel the heat radiating from him. He put a hand on the back of your neck and unintentionally grabbed a few strands of hair too. 

If he wasn't doing it to mislead his parents, this would've turned you on. 

"What are you thinking about?", he asked in a low whisper, almost like he read your mind.

"I'm thinking about when we're going home," you lied. 

In no way were you about to admit that his action made you wonder how he would actually act if you were a couple.

You could feel his breath on your cheek and he moved the strands of hair a little to your side so it would cover your face. 

"Just ten more minutes, then it's over", he said. 

You could've sworn you saw the corners of his lips turn down for a moment. 

Faint voices were coming from upstairs when the door opened, and Jungkook put his other hand around your waist, holding you tight, even though it wasn't really necessary. 

"I should charge you more for this", you mumbled, avoiding looking him in the eyes.

"Are you blushing?"

You didn't know if he was really asking this because he noticed something, but in hindsight, you realized he probably asked just to make you blush.

"What no, why would I ever-"

"Shut up, they're coming."

You rolled your eyes. He moved his head a little to the side so it looked like he was actually kissing you and when you heard the steps at the base of the stairs, he pulled away.


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