Chapter 39

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Hellou! I want to thank you all for over 1.5k reads. I know it's not much, but when considering that I started writing this just for fun and didn't expect anyone to read it, it means the world to me ^_^ .




Not long after Jungkook left, you suggested watching a movie together. It was the only thing that came to your mind where you wouldn't have to talk to him. You settled for the newest Avenger movie because you had it on DVD. Of course your brother had it on DVD. He had all of the MCU movies, except for "Ant-man and the wasp."

Fifteen minutes into the movie you noticed the first weird thing. Had Woojin been sitting so close to you from the start or were you just imagining it? 

You didn't really pay attention until you could definitely feel his knee brush past yours. You pretended to not notice it. 

You started thinking whether he was doing it on purpose the moment it happened a third time. It wasn't exactly subtle, either. But still, you kept your mouth shut. What were you supposed to say, anyway? 

Then you finally noticed that he did, in fact, get closer to you. You got up with the excuse of wanting to go look for snacks. You knew there weren't any because your brother always ate them so your parents wanted to keep him from it, so they never bought any. 

Still, you looked through the pantries just to keep yourself occupated. 

"Hey, is everything alright?" Woojin asked, entering the kitchen uninvited. 

"Sure, why wouldn't it be?"

He just shrugged, smiling at you. Poor guy, he was probably hoping to find a match. Instead, he had to deal with a quiet and annoyed person, namely you. But it wasn't exactly your fault, it just wasn't the right time to look for someone to date. You were married, you had to hide your relationship from your entire family, and let's not forget that you still had to decide if you were going on that honeymoon Jungkook was talking about. 

"I can't find anything, sorry," you told him. Maybe he'll just get so hungry that he'll leave. Then you remembered that there was still a lunch planned with your parents, who left you here unattended. Dammit. 

"You look really pretty," Woojin said all of a sudden. 

You couldn't help but get flushed cheeks at his remark. It took a great amount of concentration to reply without stuttering. 

"Thank you."

He just gave you another one of his smiles that left you wondering whether he said it to see how you would react or if he actually meant it.

Apparently, Woojin took that as a sign and got closer to you. You decided that it wouldn't be polite to take a step back and show him that you were feeling uncomfortable, so you dumbly stayed where you were. 

When his head suddenly shot forward to kiss you, you pulled your head back just in time so he wouldn't touch you. You also took several steps back. 

Although 'What the actual fuck?!?' was the first thing to come to your mind, you managed to stay calm. Despite your heart beating so loud that you could barely hear anything.

"Look, I'm pretty sure that you're a nice guy, but I'm just not interested," you said after making sure that your voice wouldn't crack. The look on Woojin's face was that of pure confusion. 

"But I thought you liked me?"

Okay, this was starting to get awkward. And it would get even worse if he stayed here for longer. "I do. Really. It's just that I've literally met you two hours ago and I'm not ready to get that close to you."

You sensed a tinge of anger in his tone when he spoke: "What do you mean? You were so close to me all the time?"

He didn't even give you the chance to reply. "It's because of that Jungcook guy, right? The one you brought over today. It seems you had no problem being close to him, you were practically all over each other!"

"Excuse you? What are you even talking about?"

"Don't lie. I saw it. You were all touchy with him right in front of your parents. Aren't you ashamed to behave like that in front of them? But the whole time you were looking at me, weren't you? Are you two a couple? Is that a thing of yours, looking at other guys while your boyfriend is in the room?"

"Okay, I think it's time for you to go."

Woojin didn't stop there. He didn't get closer to you, but that was because there was no way for you to get past him anyway. He had you cornered. And you were starting to fear that this discussion might escalate. 

"You're such a little whore. You were drooling over me the whole time. And even now you're pretending that you don't want me. But I know you do. And it's okay. We have time. Just let me show you what you're missing on, doll."

That was it. It wasn't the fact that he tried to kiss you again that made you punch him, it was that disgusting 'doll' at the end that had your fist aiming right at his nose. And you hit him hard. 

The impact sent a jolt of pain through your entire forearm. You silently cursed at Jisung because he never wanted to show you how to punch someone correctly, out of fear he'd be the one you'd punch. 

The look on Woojin's face was priceless though. It was sheer confusion. That was before the anger settled in. It took so little time that you couldn't run past him.

"You little slut!" He grabbed your wrist and yanked you forward. 

"Fuck off!" you managed to shout, before ramming your knee in his crotch. Or at least trying to, then failing because you actually hit his thigh. Still, his grip was loose for a moment. 

Before he could cause any more harm, someone grabbed Woojin's shoulder and turned him around. Then that someone landed a punch. Two punches, to be precise. And it was by far more accurate and pain-inflicting than your attempt. 

"If you even so much as try to lay a hand on her, I promise you that it's not going to be just two punches. Now do what she said and fuck off."

It took you a moment to recognize that the hateful words towards Woojin came out of Jungkook's mouth. And it would take even longer to understand why and how he got here. But you'll have enough time for this later. Right now you swung your knee and hit Woojin in his crotch. This time accurately. If he wasn't already whimpering in pain, he definitely was now.

And before he could get up, you landed another one. Despite your knees feeling like pudding from the shock and your cheeks burning in anger. 

You looked at him, ready to land another hit until he got up and left. And all this time you were just unable to speak because if you dared to say anything, you were sure that more than just words would leave your mouth. So you remained quiet, at least until you slammed the door after him. 

That was when every emotion settled in. 

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