Little's Daddy

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Third POV ⃗༄*ೃ⋅°✧

Jimin pulled a pan from out of the cabinet and began to boil some pasta. He set out another pot for the sauce deciding he wanted spaghetti for dinner. After about twenty minutes the food was done and he grabbed himself a plate.

He sat at the table and ate, satisfied with his cooking he smiled. Suddenly he heard a knock on the door and he quickly swallowed the food in his mouth and wiped his saucy face off. He quickly looked in his phone camera to check his face. Seeing he looked fine he practically sprinted to the door worried he kept the boy waiting too long.

Upon opening the front door Jimin was met with one of the most attractive guys he has ever seen. The man was tall and well build. He had long yet kind of short dark hair that complimented his dark brown eyes. His face lit up with a cute bunny smile as waved.

"Hi I'm Jungkook! You must be Park Jimin right?" He exclaimed with excitement evident. Jimin only found himself being able to nod considering if he said anything he'd probably be a stuttering mess.

"Guess we're roommates now." Jimin hums and invites the taller male in. Jungkook just smiled and took in his surroundings trying to become familiar with the gorgeous apartment.

"Wow it's beautiful! You have a really nice place Jimin!" He complimented making the smallers blush spread all across his face.

"Yeah I-I guess. It's o-our place n-now" Jimin wanted to die in a fall into a hole for stuttering so much. Jungkook on the other hand found it absolutely adorable that he was so nervous.

"Oh yeah you're right. So tell me somethings about you?" The dark raven haired man asked catching Jimin off guard. He took a second to think before speaking again.

"Oh w-well I'm Park Jimin. I'm n-nineteen years old and I'm s-studying at S-Seoul University r-right now." He slowly stuttered out still so anxious over who knows what's.

"That's cool! What's your major?" Jungkook asked completely overlooking the boys nervousness.

"Dance." Was how he responded making Jungkooks smile brighter.

"Oh that's amazing!" He complimented making the smaller boy blush and look at the hard wood floor beneath them. Jimin was too embarrassed to say anything else so Jungkook started on his own.

"Well I'm Jeon Jungkook. I am twenty one years old. I graduated university already and I have a job at a filming company here in Seoul." He explained and grinned at the wide eyes Jimin wore.

"Wow so put t-together." Jimin sheepishly smiled and continued to eat the food he had made earlier.

"You could say that." Jungkook proceeded to walk around figure Jimin was far to shy to give him a tour without exploding.

"Wow! This place is so cool." The taller whispered to himself as he walked down the hall.

When he opened the first door the only thing he saw was a bunch of toys and stuffed animas. 'Cute' He thought. He scanned to rest of the room and found a baby blue pacifier and a sippy cup on the dresser.

'Maybe he has a kid?' He thought. With out another thought he shrugged his shoulders and went to the next room. Finally he found the empty room and placed his stuff down. He was busy unpacking and folding his clothes when there was a loud scram from the kitchen.

"AHHH!" He heard Jimin yell and immediately ran out to him.

"Jimin! Are you okay?" The younger was balled up on the ground cradling his hand with tears in his eyes.

"Jiminie burned his hand on the pot." Jungkook didn't even take into account that Jimin talked about himself in third person or his slightly higher tone of voice.

"Oh okay I'll get the burn cream." He gave the younger a sympathetic look before leaving to find the cream in the bathroom. Being as though he had just moved in and barely found the bathroom he was having trouble finding the medication.

"Jimin where is it?" Jungkook yelled but got no response. He walked back to the kitchen to see that Jimin was gone. When he walked into the living room to find him he saw that the younger had fallen asleep on the couch. Jungkook pulled out his phone and dialed Jins number.

"Hello Hyung?" He called with a bit of worry in his tone.

"Oh Jungkook-ah how is it?" He asked excitedly.

"It's okay. Jimin is... interesting. He's kinda shy so it's a bit difficult to talk to him. He also burned himself and I can't find the cream for it." Jungkook said making Jin gasped loudly.

"He hurt himself! Is he okay!?" Jin asked extremely worried that the younger was going to be an emotional mess considering Jungkook didn't know about him being a little yet.

"He's fine right now he fell asleep on the couch. But Hyung he's nineteen why are you so worried?" Jungkook asked confused with a frown. Jin just sighed heavily and thought about a good answer that would expose Jimin completely.

"Look Kook-ah he is really sensitive. Try not to hurt his feelings and try not to let him get hurt either." Jin advised. He was well aware that if Jimin got hurt in anyway it was one of the main things that caused him to slip into his little space.

"Okay Hyung I'll try." Jungkook was still very confused but didn't feel like arguing with Jin. It never really worked out for him. He hung up the call after Jin told him where to find the cream. After grabbing it out of the bathroom he made his way back to the smaller boy who was peaceful sleeping on the couch. Jimin stirred a little as the older treats his hand.

"Kookie?" Jimin said as his eyes fluttered open still pretty tired.

"Kookie?" Jungkook questioned and furrowed his brows. Confusion displayed all over his face. Jimin and him met about 2 hours ago so he wasn't expecting nicknames yet.

"Don't be mad please. I-I didn't want t-to make K-Kookie mad." Jimin started to cry making the older feel bad. He had no idea what caused the tears but he wanted them to stop.

"Oh it's okay Jimin. Don't cry. I'm not mad." He rubbed circles on the youngers back as the blonde sobbed.

"What's wrong?" He felt like he was talking to a three year old by the way Jimin was acting.

"I'm l-little. I d-don't want you to be m-mad." Jimin stutters out and Jungkook was shocked. He had heard of what a little was because of Seokjin but he never thought that he'd ever meet let alone live with one. Seeing Jimin like this made his mind do a complete 360.

"Little? As in you are a little?" Jimin just nodded as he let more tears stream down his cute puffy cheeks.

"Hey, it's okay." Jungkook comforted him as he started to understand what Jin meant by him being really sensitive.

"I'll take care of you okay?" Jungkook promised clearly not understanding the commitment he just made. The crying boy started to calm down and dry his tears at the hopeful words.

"You mean it? You'll be my daddy?" He questions making Jungkooks eyes neely pop out of the sockets. He wasn't expecting that to say the least.

"Uh-I..." He was at a loss for words. Feeling very unsure and confused about the entire situation. When he saw another frown forming on the smallers face he quickly decided and smiled.

"Of course I'll be your daddy." Jimin immediately jumped onto him and hugged him tightly with a giant smile across his face.

"Yay! Finally have a daddy!" Jungkook chuckled and pat the younger on the head. He made a mental note that he had to look up whatever all this meant later. Jimin was asleep, so Jungkook took that as an opportunity to do some much need research.


Thanks for reading!🥰


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