Little Bad Friend

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(an: Enjoy Luvs <3 lol the pov changes a lot in this one. also that picture^^^ 🥺)

Third POV

"Minnie." Jungkook called to the younger boy sitting
next to him. The boy turned to face him.

"Do you want to talk too? Or do you want to go play?" He asked leading Jimin to jump up.

"Play!" He yelled and walked away quickly remembering the running rule. The two older males chuckled as Jimin exited the room.

"I love him." The raven whispered while staring blankly at the door frame the younger just exited through.

"I know. And I want to really say sorry. Like actually this time." Jin claimed and Jungkook slightly rolled his eyes.

"I just don't get why you wanted us apart so badly." The younger said with curiosity filling his tone.

"I was jealous." Jin suddenly blurted out making Jungkook way more confused. He gave the older an intrigued expression mixed with jealousy.

"Don't worry, I don't like him like that. I love Jimin. He's like a baby brother and for so many years we were together. Then you came along and that was my doing. I understand that but you took him from me. Besides Joonie he was really all I had." Jin stopped and because Jungkook was about to speak.

"But Jin you had me too. Do you not remember that we were friends too?" He looked slightly upset.

"No Kook-Ah I do remember. You were like my baby brother too." He placed a comforting hand on Jungkook lap and smiled softly.

"It's just that what me and Jimin had was different. He was my best friend. Think about the relationship you and Jimin have and than think about the relationship you and Tae have." Jin spoke coming up with away to get Jungkook to understand. The younger nodded signaling for Jin to continue.

"Now if Tae and Jimin dated how would you feel if Tae broke his heart?" He asked and Jungkooks eyebrow scrunched at the thought of them even dating.

"I would want to protect Jimin." He said after awhile and I deep sigh. Now he even better understands where Jins head was at.

"He didn't text or call me and we never talked anymore. I was starting to think I lost him and I wanted to do anything to get him back. I lost control and I'm sorry." He apologized again. This time the younger could tell it was sincere.

"I know but that doesn't mean it didn't hurt." The raven responded avoiding eye contact with the older.

"I really didn't mean the awful things I said to you. And J-joon-" Jin sniffled.

Jungkook hadn't notice that Jin was crying because he was trying to take in all the information he wanted to hear.

"Okay..." Jungkook trailed off not knowing how to express his next sentence.

"Okay?" Jin asked while wiping a few tears.

"Okay.. I f-forgive you." Jungkook stuttered.

"Thank you Kook! I won't let you down again." The older gasped and tightly embrace the raven.

"Hugs!" They heard come from their right. They looked over to see Jimin hauling ass and jumping onto them to join their hug.

"Aww! Yes Minnie hugs!" Jin cooed and Jungkook just laughed at how excited Jimin got.

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