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I didn't choose you. I just took one look at you and there was no turning back


"Iris! Audrey asked if you could deliver these to the Weasleys" Adeliene held up about four white boxes, one on top of the other.

"What are these?" Iris held up her notepad.
"Dress robes"

"Are these brides maid duties or shop duties?"

"A bit of both. She said that you can drop it off at Percy's younger brother's place. They live in Diagon alley itself" Adele told her, shoving the boxes in her hand.

Iris gave her a pleading look not wanting to socialize but her sister just placed the piece of paper with the address on it into her hand.

The wedding was still a few months away. The engagement party had only happened a month ago, but Iris knew Audrey well and Audrey like her things organized in time.

So, the girl apparated to the apartment door where the boy lived. She knocked on the door but no one opened. She knocked again but the door stayed put.
The girl then realized that they were probably working in their shop.

She went over to the front door of the shop and pushed the door open with her back, trying to keep the boxes intact in her hand.
The shop was busy and crowded and Iris dreaded it.

She walked over to the cash counter and plopped the boxes on the table.

George who sat on a chair behind the counter jumped at the sudden arrival of the boxes. But when he stood up and saw the same girl from the engagement party, he froze.

The boy wanted to talk to her but he couldn't. He was scared that he'd end up being too loud or have to explain his fake ear to the girl.

She was rummaging through her pocket before she took out a piece of paper and looked up.

There stood the red haired boy looking straight back at her. Iris could see his freckles much better now as she mentally joined the dots to create shapes.

There was a moment where the two just stood there looking at each other before an identical person to the one before came and stood beside him.

Iris was taken aback when she saw two of the same people. Oh twins.

"Hello! How can I help you?" The new one said.
Iris handed him the piece of paper which said dress robes for Percy Weasley.

"Oh! You must be Audrey's friend" Fred smiled at her. She smiled back. "I'm Fred, this is my twin George"

Iris nodded at the two before pointing back at the paper. Her name was written on the bottom of the slip and her sister's shop name was written on the top.

"Iris. It's nice to meet you. Sorry I gotta run, too many customers coming in" With that Fred  ran towards another customer, handing George the slip who had now come out of his daze.

Before the boy could react, Iris nodded at him and left. She couldn't hold much conversation with him without using her notepad and if she took it out, she would have to explain herself to the boy.

George stood there dazed for a few seconds before the customers brought his attention back to the

Fred and George sat in their apartment, munching on the brownies Molly had sent for them.
"Did you open those boxes yet?" Fred asked George who wasn't paying much attention.
"George!?" The boy shouted.
"What?" George asked whipping his head back to Fred.
"The boxes!!"
"I haven't opened them yet" George told his brother.
The older twin stood up and waved his wand. The boxes came flying into the room.

Each box was labeled with a Weasley brother's name.
Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Percy Weasley, Ron Weasley. Fred was Percy's best man and George and Ron were his groomsmen.

The boys excitedly took each one out to see what they looked like, quite impressed with the dress robes.

The next day George saw Fred writing a letter addressed to Iris, with some money in the envelope for the payment of the dress robes.

"I'll go and give it" George said, his voice still very loud.
"I'll send it with the Owl!" Fred said loudly.
"No! I'll go" Fred suspiciously handed his brother the money and gave him the address of the shop.

Iris sat in the shop behind the counter. It was a slow day and there were only two customers in here.
She was reading something when she heard the bell jingling.The girl looked up to see none other than George Weasley smiling at her.

She smiled back at the boy, motioning him to come forward. He put down the money and Fred's letter onto the counter and slid it towards her. The girl furrowed her eyebrows but read the letter anyways.

Payment for the dress Robes.
Thank you
From Percy Weasley.

Iris silently chuckled before taking up a piece of paper and holding it up for George to see.
You're welcome

George found it odd that she chose to write on the paper instead of saying it to her but he was also thankful because he wouldn't have to ask her to say it louder.

He retracted the letter towards himself and scribbled something down on it before passing it back to Iris.
You have pretty Irises, Iris

Iris looked up at him before laughing silently. George wished that he could have his hearing back to normal for sometime just so he could hear her laugh but little did he know that even with his hearing, he would never be able to hear her voice.

Iris scribbled something on the same parchment handing it back to George. She felt sixteen again, passing notes in class and not paying attention to the teacher.

Thanks George. But that joke was lame.
I look forward to more of these.

George hadn't grinned wider than this since after the war. The two left the conversation at that and George went back to his shop.

Iris wished she could talk to him and say what she had written but little did she know that even if she had her voice, George wouldn't be able to hear her talk.


Hey! Thanks for reading!!!

Just a heads up, this book starts out a little happy but it keeps fluctuating between dark and light because they just came off a war and it's not easy to recover from it so easily

Also, if I wrote Iris' last name, 'Menkem' as 'Menkim' that's a typo. I got that from a random surname generator and well, I got confused as to what it was spelled like. I think I have fixed it in most places but If I missed any out, lemme know and I'll fix it.


Deafening Silence | George Weasley (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now