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You look like yourself
But you're somebody else

George sat on one of the tables, waiting for Iris to arrive. He hadn't even sipped on his drink yet but she was taking too long. He was about to stand up to go find her but Fred interrupted him. The boy handed him a glass and motioned him to drink up.

"Iris?" George asked. Fred pointed to where the bathroom was and George nodded. He took one sip of his Firewhiskey when he saw Iris walk towards him in a hurry.

"Stop!" George furrowed his eyebrows. She knocked the glasses down from both the twins' hands as they shattered to the floor.

"How much did he drink?" She asked George

"Almost half" George replied, completely puzzled.

"Audrey. Bathroom. Hurt!" Iris signed hurriedly, "Go!"George didn't understand what was happening but he followed Iris' orders and made his way to the bathroom.

Iris went over to Fred.
"You okay?" She asked. Fred was rather slow at sign and this was going to take him a while, but with no translator around, Iris only had one option, the self writing quill. The problem with that was, he would know everything about Will and Mallory which was not something Iris wanted to burden him with.

Fred blinked once and then twice, his eyelids falling heavy on his eyes and his feet weakening under him.
Iris patted his cheek to make sure he doesn't close his eyes, she was struggling to communicate with him. She sat Fred down on a chair and muttered a few spells at him but they weren't working.

George came out with an unconscious Audrey in his arms. Percy ran to his aid and helped carry her. Iris waved her arms and motioned Percy to bring her where she was standing.

She continued to heal Fred with different spells but he kept falling into an endless dark pit, not being able to hold on much longer.

"What's happening?" George finally asked, "what's Iris doing?"

"Healing." Percy replied in worry.


"I assume. I mean she is a healer. Somethings wrong with Fred and Audrey" Percy explained.

"She's a healer? What's wrong with Fred and Audrey?" At this point George earned a glare from Iris.

She turned around and worked on Fred but nothing seemed to work. She looked at George with worry in her eyes.

George walked up to her, "what should I do? Is he okay?" Iris shook her head.

"Healer" She signed.

"St. Mungo's? I'll apparate"


"He could get Splinched. Take him through floo but be very careful" Percy told George who nodded.

Iris turned to Audrey and healed her too, fixing her shoulder better, bringing her to consciousness.
"You okay?" Audrey asked Iris who burst into tears and relief as she nodded.

"Feel okay?"

"A little dazed but I'm fine. You healed me, after all, how could I not be fine?" Audrey smiled.

Percy stood next to Audrey, "thank merlin!" He took her hand in his.

"Fred" Iris signed.

"I'll come with you" Percy told her but Iris shook her head, "stay"

"But, I'll come with you. Oi Oliver! Take care of Audrey" That's when Iris saw that the whole Quidditch team was just standing there in worry too.

Deafening Silence | George Weasley (COMPLETE)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora