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If I bring you home to mama, I guess I'd better warn ya
She falls in love a little faster than I do
if we break up, I'll be fine. But you'll be breaking more hearts than mine


For the first time in Fred and George's life, Molly didn't scold them for being late. But it was much scarier when they knew they had done something wrong and she was super sweet.

"Mum this is Iris" George flatly introduced. Molly pulled the girl into a bear hug, "it's so nice to meet you!" Iris reciprocated the hug before pulling back and smiling.

Audrey stood next to Molly and winked at her best friend.
"Hey stranger" Audrey greeted her with a smaller hug.

"Good to see you Iris" Percy was just like his mother when it came to hugs.

The girl greeted Ron, Hermione, Harry, Ginny and Arthur before they all burst into small conversations.

"So, muggle born?" Arthur asked and Iris nodded.

"Would you happen to know how airplanes stay up?"

The girl shook her head, "but my father might. He had a full muggle education, he's the best to ask. You can owl him whenever" Audrey read out for Iris who gratefully smiled at her friend.

"Well thank you very much! And don't mind me asking but what does your father do?"

"He's an engineer. Makes cars. I bet he'd be able to tell you about airplanes"

"That's wonderful! I would love to meet him sometime!" Arthur enthusiastically said.


"Audrey was telling me that you and your sister own a clothing store in Diagon Alley" Molly stared and Iris nodded, "Do you make them yourself?" Iris nodded again before chuckling at the memory of Fred telling her not to tell Molly about the knitting.

"Oh you're going to love her! She knits too!" Audrey told Molly who jumped with joy.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier!" She smiled and Iris looked over to Fred with a laugh.

Ginny was the nicest person Iris had ever met. She was also the scariest. Let's just say that Ron will never speak out of turn again.

She usually asked Iris yes or no questions to make it easier for her to reply.

Hermione was sensible but a little stubborn on her views but Iris didn't really mind, she could be a little stubborn herself. The bushy haired girl was a muggleborn too which allowed more conversation between her and Iris.

Harry was sweet. He was nice to her but didn't really talk much, just intently listened to the conversation around him.

Ron was much more intelligent than Iris thought he would be, not that she thought lowly of him. The boy was great at strategizing and loved to play chess much to Iris' happiness.

Chess was one of her favorite games too and he offered her to play but she refused.

The Weasley dinner seemed like a success. Everyone was laughing and happy. Molly loved Iris to death already, she was probably planning their wedding.

"So, did you go to Hogwarts?" Iris perked up, her stomach tightened and she looked at the floor. 

"Yes of course! She was my dorm mate," Audrey jumped in.

"It's such a shame to see what has happened to the castle" Molly shook her head. Iris felt herself getting a little nauseous. Her stomach was twisting harder and her mind was flashing with images she never wanted to see again.

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