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You're lovely, with your smile so warm, And your cheeks so soft
There is nothing for me but to love you
And the way you look tonight


Iris and George met up often. Every chance they got, she was either at the joke shop or he was at her shop. When they weren't working, the two could be found cuddled up on the couch of either Iris' or George's apartment either reading, half a sleep or watching a movie on the small T.V. that Iris had.

March came quick bringing warmth and sunshine with it and Iris soaked in every ounce of it by her window. Though it opened to the busy street of Diagon Alley, Iris loved looking outside like a beautiful view laid out in front of her.

The girl closed her eyes and leaned her head on the windowsill just feeling the warmth of the sun.

"Enjoying the sun?" Iris jumped up to see Audrey standing there. "Did you forget?"

Iris looked at her quizzically before realizing that she did forget. She was supposed to have lunch with her friend and catch up since they hadn't done that for months.

"Come on! Get up! Let's go!" Audrey pulled her out of the chair and the two walked towards the door, "bye Adeliene!"

"Have fun!"

The two girls sat in a new pub that was opened at Diagon Alley. It was fresh and modern with much better service than The Leaky Cauldron. They sat there with their two butterbeers as Audrey talked about something.
"Okay, I have some exciting news!" The girl squealed excitedly.

"You're pregnant!" Iris guessed.

"No silly! I'm not having kids anytime soon, I have a career to focus on right now" Audrey rolled her eyes.

"That's great! What's the news then?"

"We did some magic and added more to the team and Hogwarts will be back to its original state by June!" Audrey clapped her hands, grinning widely.

"That's amazing!" Iris stood up and hugged Audrey, "I'm so proud of you!"

"Thank you! I can't wait!" The girls sat back down and after a couple more minutes of talking about Hogwarts, Audrey switched the subject to George.
"How is it dating George Weasley?"

Iris was completely red, "it's fun! I introduced him and Fred to movies two weeks ago and the two boys were completely amazed by it" she laughed remembering their reactions, "now we have movie nights quite frequently. In fact we're watching one today."

Audrey snickered thinking about how new it must've been to them. The girl's mother was a muggle and her father a muggleborn. She had been exposed to a fair amount of non Wizarding things herself.
"What are you going to show them?"

"The parent trap."

Iris apparated straight to the Weasley's after her date with Audrey. The girls had talked for hours on end and Iris was already late.

She had left her VCR and her TV at the twins' because she was too lazy to take it home a few nights before.
The girl popped in front of their shop door and knocked loudly. (Since it was locked)

"You're late" Fred's hands were on his hips and he stood in mock disappointment.

"I was with Audrey, didn't realize the time" The girl scratched the back of her neck sheepishly.

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