Day 1

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"Candy, are you done cleaning your room?" shouted Mum from the kitchen.
"Nope, I'm halfway done." I replied.
"Yeah, okay. I'll clean it before Aunt Martha arrives. Alright? Now I am busy cleaning. Don't call me for some more time." 
"You better stick to your words..."

I seriously couldn't understand why Mum was telling me to clean 'my' room, I mean, Aunt Martha was going to stay in the guest room and not in my room. Plus she wouldn't be like "Oh! I wanna see Candy's room whether it's clean or not, after all that's why I am here. " at her arrival. But I had to clean my room anyways because there was this book which I was unable to find. I borrowed it from Drew nearly a week ago and I had no idea where did I keep it. Though he was not bothered about that book but I didn't want to keep someone else's property. After searching and searching and a lot of searching I found it. It was inside my bathroom cupboard (that's a term I gave to the space inside my mirror). I later remembered that while I was reading the book in my bathroom I had kept it in the bathroom cupboard. 

Finally, I was finished with the cleaning. Aunt Martha arrived shortly too. Aunt Martha was a typical 70's styled woman. My elder sister and I liked her only because she brought some fancy chocolates for us. And she also made our pockets heavy so we had our respect for her.    

"Phyllis! Candice! Oh, my babies. I missed you all so much. Look! What do I have here? Oh yes! CHOCOLATES!" said Aunt Martha, bringing a big smile on our face.
"Thank you so much Aunt Martha." and our job was done. Show your face, ask her about her health, take the chocolates and leave. 
"Hey, do you think... yum... mmm... hmm... these chocolates are better than those she brought last time?" said Poppy with already a mouthful of chocolates.
"I think they are getting bigger and tastier with time. Yum!"
"Hey, do you remember what I told you yesterday?" said Poppy with a rather serious face.
"Yeah, about......."
"I am sorry I don't remember."
"Come on, Candy. The Plan? Don't you remember?"
"Oh yeah... Okay, okay. I remember. The Plan was to...."
"Shhh.... keep your voice low. Mum's in the next room."
"Okay. So The Plan was to convince Dad in order to take us all for a picnic in that park which was recently inaugurated. Right?" I said in the lowest possible voice.
"Yes, you're absolutely right. Now, the only thing you have to do is make that innocent face with watery eyes, and try to convince him."
"Yeah, but......"
"No buts. Just do it. Not now, but when I say."
"Fine. What about my payment?"
"Oh hello... I am asking you to convince, not to murder. You're not getting paid."
"Then forget about it. You either pay me or I'm not convincing Dad."
"You're a pain in my butt. Ugh... Okay, I won't pay you but I'll give you... No...... Uhhh......Damn it! You can take that purple dress."
"OMG! Thank you so so much.... 50 bucks would've been cheaper, but it's okay, I'll take that dress." 
"I hate you so much." 

It was lunch time and all of us were quite excited because after a long time (I wish I could add more o's in 'long' as it was really a long time) Mum made delicious food for Aunt Martha. And since it was made for Aunt Martha, it was made for all of us. We enjoyed the food and the funny stories that Aunt Martha told us. Just as we finished our lunch, we went to the terrace. Poppy and I were really contented because we would finally feel that charming and charismatic presence of our new neighbour, Ryan. 
"Are you thinking what I am thinking?" I asked Poppy.
"Yeah, I am thinking more than what you're thinking."
"Dibs!" both of us said at the same moment.
"I said first." I said.
"No you liar, I said first." said Poppy.
We had a fight which consisted of only expressions and signs... No words. Finally we stopped because we knew it was useless. He was probably 24-25 and here we are. Poppy was one year behind to become an adult and I was three years away. Well, whatever. The sun was going down and so were we. We came down after half an hour.

In the evening, Aunt Martha showed us her collection of perfumes from all over the world. Uncle Ross worked for an international company so he had to travel around the globe. This gave Aunt Martha her collection. The fragrance of all the perfume bottles were extremely rare and exclusive. 
"I hate to admit it, but she has a pretty good collection." said Poppy in my ears.
"Yeah, check the emerald coloured bottle. It's so amazing!"
"God, I feel like I am sinking in its fragrance."
"These perfumes are very extraordinary, Martha. I don't think any of them is cheap." said Dad.
"No, you're wrong Patrick. These seem to be very costly but are very cheap. You see, according to them it must be expensive but to us it's pretty cheap. So, I bought so many of 'em." explained Aunt Martha.
"Oh! I just remembered. Poppy and Candy, I have something for you guys too."
Our eyes got bigger as we heard 'something for us too'. She then took out two bottles of cologne, and trust me, they were expensive. 
"What was the need of bringing cologne for these two young girls? They need focus on their studies at this age, not on their beauty." protested Mum.
"Oh come on Cynthia, they maybe young girls now but they will grow into beautiful ladies someday." said Aunt Martha.
"Thank you so much Aunt Martha. We can't explain how happy we are right now." said Poppy.
"I am your Aunt, okay. No need to be so formal to me with all these 'thank yous'."
We then rushed to our rooms to immediately wear the cologne. The scent was beyond wonderful. Just one spray and the whole house was filled with the fragrance. 

For the first time, we were actually enjoying the presence of Aunt Martha. But it didn't last long because Aunt Martha was leaving to Washington D.C. the next day. So we tried to live the most of the moment. 

'Sometimes when life gives you lemons, you should make lemonade out of it. But what if life gives half a lemon? You should still make at least a salad out of it because you should enjoy every moment of life. It doesn't matter how many opportunities life gives you, you should always make your own opportunities.' 
                                                                                                                                                                 - Life Lesson No. 1

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