Day 4

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I was pretty upset and angry about what had happened with me the previous day. But anyhow I had to set up my mind and get ready for school. I already considered not to tell ANYTHING to ANYONE, not even Amelia, because once a single person knew about this, it would be spread all over the school, not the reality, but the rendition of the reality.

Anyways, as I entered my school, Shawn was very embarrased of his deeds.
"I am so sorry, Candy. I was actually sending it to my friend but I don't how it went to you." said Shawn.
"Wait, so you watch those type of videos?"
"Umm.... Well.... I... uhh...."
"Whatever, just don't spread it around okay? Plus look at the bright side. I am still in the play."
"You are? Oh my God! I thought Mrs. Turner won't allow you to participate any further."
"No, she allowed."
Just then the bells rung.
"Okay, now I have to go. See ya later. Bye!" I said, as we parted our ways.

The first half went by soon and I was just really bored 'cause the day was pretty much the same.

As I returned home, Mum had forgotten about the incident. I mean, she couldn't have literally forgot that matter but she tried to avoid it.

"Uhh.... I seriously don't like projects. This one is such a weird project. I mean, why would someone ask for a solar system project? We already know the planets anyways. Jupiter, Olympus, Neptune, Mercury, etc." said Poppy.
"Wait, did you just say 'Olympus'?" I asked.
"Yeah, that's where all the Gods live, you stupid. Didn't you know about this?" said Poppy.
"Are you out of your mind? Olympus is not a planet. It's a mountain in Greece, idiot. Did you seriously think Olympus was a planet?!"
"Umm...... yeah...."
"Why am I still talking to you?"

I left the room as soon as this lame conversation was over. I went to the garden to take a walk. Of course I was interrupted by a call. Amelia was calling me. I was not in a mood to chat with anyone at that moment but I was also eager to know why she was calling me.
"Hey, wassup?" asked Amelia.
"Good, just takin' a walk."
"What are you, 75 or something? Walk is for older people. I guess you should come visit me."
"I'm bored."
"Is that my problem?"
"Did I even blame you for my boredom? I am just.... Bored...."
"Fine. Lemme ask Mum."
"Okay... See ya later! Bye!"
"Yeah, bye."

"Mum, can I go to Amelia's house?" I asked, a bit scared.
"Yeah, you can. Just come back before sunset. You know the world, right sweetheart?"
"Yes, I know. Okay... so I am leaving now. Bye, Mum."

I couldn't believe how my Mum allowed me at once. Well, maybe she was in a good mood.

I rang the bell thrice and then finally Mrs. McNulty opened the door. Mr. McNulty, Amelia's Dad, used to live in Geneva 'cause he was researching something at that time. In short, he was a researcher. Mrs. McNulty was a kindergarten teacher in 'Daisy's Kindergarten School'. Overall, her family was very hospitable and welcoming, which always made me question whether Amelia is adopted or not, because she was the total opposite of her family. She was a rowdy, bossy and crazy animal. But was good at heart. God! I miss her...

As I entered, she immediately took me to her room and locked it.
"I have to show you something, Candy."
"What? What is it?"

She showed me her conversation with Jake. Jake was a mediocre student and was a long time crush of Amelia. She had a crush on him since he first came to our school back in 4th grade. She wasn't that type of girl who used to babble about her crush and overflowing emotions. She was like 'I have a crush on him and that's it. I would yell that on his face and he wouldn't be able to say NO'. That was the reason why we were best friends. Now returning back to her.
"Jake texted me yesterday. I don't know how he got my number, but I was really shocked that Jake, I mean, JAKE, texted me on his own."
"What did he write to you?"
"Aah, about that. He wanted Vic's number."
"Ummm... how did he get 'your' number exactly?"
"Liam gave my number to him."
"Okay. So let me get this straight. You're telling me that Jake asked Liam for your phone number just so he can have Vic's number? Liam has Vic's number, Amy. Jake could've asked for Vic's number from Liam, directly. But he instead asked for your number first. Can't you understand that Jake wanted YOUR number. I repeat. JAKE WANTED YOUR NUMBER."
"Have you lost your senses?"
"Nope, I mean it, Amy. Just reply."
"To what?"
"What do you mean?"
"How the hell am I supposed to reply to 'hmm'?"
"He just wrote 'hmm'?"
"Okay. He should text something more, I guess."

"Amy, open the door. I've brought snacks and drinks for you two." said Mrs. McNulty, nearly giving us a heart attack.
"Yeah, Mom. Just a sec."

Amelia opened the door, after hiding all the texts. Mrs. McNulty brought potato chips and fruit juice for us. I was really hungry at that time so I couldn't resist myself from behaving like a starving dog.

Just as we finished our snacks, we continued with our talk.
"You know what?", said Amelia, her mouth stuffed with chips, "I guess I shouldn't be bothered about him."
"Why? What happened?"
"Do you honestly think that he'd have feelings for ME? It's not like I don't deserve someone's attention but the truth is, no one gives me attention. They look at me as a tomboy girl who spends time with boys, and whose friend's the first rank holder. I am nothing but a simple girl, Candy."
"You better shut your mouth before I break your teeth. Since when do YOU think like this about yourself? You're not popular 'cause of me. Rather I am popular 'cause of you. Don't even get these rubbish thoughts again, you hear me?"
"Fine. But I seriously don't have high hopes about him."
"Okay, you don't have to. Just..... remember you're not a simple girl."
"Yeah. What was I thinking before? I am Amelia McNulty, the sassy queen, the HBIC, the....."
"Yeah, that's enough. It's 5 now. I think I should return back."
"Okay. We'll continue tomorrow."

I returned home by 5:20. Mum was busy with some of her banking work. I started doing my homework. Plus, I also had to do a bit research on The Tempest. The research didn't take long, thanks to Google; I was pretty bored after that because I had nothing else to do. I did my homework, I did my studies, I did mostly everything. Who knew that this boredom would last only for 14 hours more...

'If you want to fly, give up everything that brings you down.'

- Life Lesson No. 4

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