Day 7

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Poppy and I were quite scared after we discovered that there is a ghostly presence in our house. Mum and Dad were out for a day, and we made sure that we would be the first people who would let them know about this ghost.

As they came back, we made a dash to the door, Poppy tripped over the doormat, I was nearly getting stabbed by a nail on the wall, but somehow managed to tell them.

"Ghost? Ha ha ha ha, you see, Cynthia, this is the reason why I don't leave these girls on their own. Now, they have found a ghost in our house. Oh, did any of you guys make an Ouija Board? What'd the ghost say? 'This us my house. Get out of my house' sorta thing? You girls are funny." said Dad, totally making a joke out of it.
"No, Dad, you aren't understanding, you see..." I had to pinch Poppy 'cause if she was about to tell the whole story, Mum and Dad were gonna know about Skittles, and I didn't want that.
"Y-y-you know what, Dad? I think there was a misunderstanding. We are sorry to waste your time." I handled the situation.

Poppy grabbed my hand and asked, "What happened, Candy?!?!?"
"Listen, I think maybe we should keep it a secret, else they'd know about Skittles."
"Skittles? Is that the name of your cat?"
"Yeah. You have any problem with that?"
"No. Why would I have any problem?"
I heard her giggling as she left the room.

"Hey, kitty cat, I am sorry I can't tell anyone in this house about you. I wish you would be loved by everyone equally. But don't worry, I'll let them know, once is everything is settled." I said to Skittles.
"No problem, Candy. I am fine."

I checked the door, and found NO ONE.

My heart stopped. Literally, stopped. If Poppy wasn't there in the room? WHO SAID THAT?

It was impossible that a ghost replied to me while it was still day time. I mean, don't ghosts come out at midnight? It could've been a ghost the last day, but what about the present day?

"I know what you are thinking, Candy. It is me who is replying to you. It may be weird, but it is true."

I fainted.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Candy, wake up. Wake up. CANDY!"

I could hear these voices before complete blackout. I woke up in a hospital. I saw the white ceiling of my hospital room, and also found some medical stuff around me. I knew what was happening.

I stayed awake for an hour or so, and then I heard a female voice. It was Dr. Veena Sinha. She was our family doctor. Poppy and I grew up in her hands. When she started treating us, she was in her late 20s, and at that time, she was probably in her early 40s. I liked her because she wasn't like other doctors, she was really friendly and understanding. So, I was at least relieved to see her first.

"Candy, hi my sweet friend. How are you doin' huh? Why did you scare your parents like that?" Dr. Sinha asked, sweetly.
"No, ummm.... I don't exactly know how I fainted."
"You fainted because of some unknown causes. Now, Candy. What happened before you fainted?"
"Can you please not tell my parents about it?"
"Well, if it is something serious, I may have to tell your parents."
"No, it isn't that serious. I mean... Uhhh.... Okay, here goes nothing. I think my cat can talk."
"Yeah, I know you won't believe me."
"No, it's not that, Candy. But sometimes it may happen that because of earlier trouble or tension people experience these things. So, it was nothing but your imagination, sweetheart."
"I know. I thought so too in the beginning, but my cat replied to me three times. And I can't imagine this thrice."
"I wish I could believe you, darling. But, listen to yourself once. Is it possible for a cat to speak? In a human voice?"
"So, problem solved."
"Yeah, I guess."
"C'mon now. Get ready. Your mom and dad are here to take you home. And, fyi, your parents know about the cat."
"What? Who told them?"
"I don't know about your cat talking to you, but she actually brought your parents' attention to you. She was the one who cried out loud and made your parents reach out to your help. And don't worry, no serious injuries are there in your body. You are absolutely fine."
"Okay. Thank you, Dr. Sinha."
"Anytime, little Candy."

(At home)
"Candy, now tell us about the cat." asked Mum, quite seriously.
"Okay, so I found her on road, she was bleeding, I took her to vet, I named her Skittles, and owned her. That is pretty much everything that happened."
"And why exactly you did not tell us?" asked Dad.
"I know. I am sorry."
"Well, you should be. But anyways it is useless for you to apologize. You are grounded. Even Poppy is grounded."
"What? Grounded? Mum, no."
"Mum, why the hell am I grounded? What'd I do?" asked Poppy.
"You did not tell us."
"She forbade me to."
"Oh please, Poppy. Don't pretend that you are too scared of Candy that she forbade you to say, and you reciprocated."
"No buts. My decision's final."

There, now Poppy and I both were grounded.

I always wished my life to be as great as they show in movies. I always wanted a Dexter to be a part of my life, in reality. I wanted to stay in a place where nothing is magical, but peaceful. I wanted someone to understand my emotions, my feelings. If I'd cry, they would stop me. If I'd be hurt, they would console me. If I'd want something, they may not give me, but try their level best to make me happy. My parents also made me happy, everytime, but they also scold me for some silly reasons. At that moment, I was only hoping Dexter to be around me. He was someone who really understood what I wanted. I wanted my life to be perfect...

"People change with time, no one stays the same. So it is foolish of us to hold on to some people, knowing fully that they have changed."

- Life Lesson No. 7

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2020 ⏰

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